Press release
New Further Education Programme at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam – Interdisciplinary Process Support in Early Childhood Education

The Centre for Further and Continuing Education (ZEW) and the Family Centre at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are offering a new part-time continuing education course from March 2023. An information evening in October offers the opportunity to get to know the lecturers and find out more about the concept and content of the continuing education programme.
Interdisciplinarity, i.e. cooperation between different professional groups, is of crucial importance when working in the early childhood development phase. This enables the specific needs of children to be recognised and dangerous situations to be adequately assessed. Communicating these findings with other professional groups forms the basis for planning and supporting complex and appropriate support processes.
"It has long been known in the professional world that in particularly challenging cases in youth welfare, different professions always have to work together in order for things to go well and ultimately really help the children, who are ultimately at the centre. However, it is now also known to everyone and not always easy experiences have made it clear that this cooperation is not easy. With this training course, we want to teach the basics and methods so that professionals feel confident in involving the various professional experts in such a way that they can arrive at a joint solution in a targeted manner. This is a challenging task that we want to take on and offer important support to practitioners," says Karsten Krauskopf, Academic Director and Professor of Psychology in Social Work at the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences at the FHP.
The programme is aimed at social workers, psychologists, educators and other practitioners.and other practitioners from various professional contexts, including social workers, psychologists and educators.äexperience in working with young children and infants.äinfants. Participants acquire a scientifically sound, up-to-date and, in particular, application-oriented professional qualification for the interdisciplinary support of processes in the early childhood sector.
There will be an information evening on the 17th of October from 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm online and on site at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (House 4). Informal registration is requested.
Registration form
Fedor Zatchinaev
Centre for Further and Continuing Education
0331 580-2092