Training Offers – Tips & Assistance for Literature Research

The library of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam offers you a comprehensive service: tips and assistance for literature research in catalogues, databases and on the internet as well as checklists with help for academic work and a research consultation hour.
All Offers at a Glance
Consultation hour for literature research
Problems with scientific work with literature? We can help you quickly!
Training in literature research
First steps in the library or specific research in the subject area for a thesis? We offer training for students and staff.
Online tutorials
Do you prefer to work independently? We recommend the following online tutorials for selected databases and scientific work, among others.
Always keep the overview. We offer checklists for various subtopics on scientific work.
Quick Help: Consultation Hours for Literature Research
It is not always easy to quickly yet systematically select the right databases and catalogues to research journal articles, books, visual material, statistics and more. To get off to a good start when writing an academic paper, we offer a research consultation online.
For the departments of Information Sciences and Social and Educational Sciences:
- Fridays, 13:00 - 15:00 or by personal arrangement.
- Contact: Katharina Violet
For the departments of CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering and Design:
- Thursdays, 13:00 - 15:00 or by personal arrangement.
- Contact: Heike Daßdorf
Where do the office hours take place?
- Online in the Zoom room in the Moodle course BIB_Recherche.
- On request, it is possible to hold consultation hours on site in the library.
Training in Literature Research: Module 1 – From the Literature List to the Book
With three courses, the module is aimed at all newcomers to literature research and information retrieval.
Training in Literature Research: Module 2 – Thematic Literature Research in the subject context
This course provides students in advanced semesters of higher education and staff with an introduction to subject databases for academic work. Students can choose between three main topics.
Tutorials and Material Collections
Library research and training materials
Moodle online course for self-learning for members of the FH Potsdam, collection of materials from the library on the use of digital resources (eBooks, eJournals, subject databases) and other services in the context of scientific work.
From the choice of topic to the homework or term paper
In this online tutorial, you learn independently about different research systems and information sources, e.g. to find scientific literature, based on several work stages of information search and processing. In addition, you learn what it means to work scientifically.
Checklists for Literature Work
The following checklists provide assistance for writing a Bachelor's, Diploma or Master's thesis, a project report or a scientific article. Among other things, the topics of scientific writing, structure of a scientific paper, correct citation and time management of a scientific qualification paper are addressed.
- Checkliste für Zitierformen – Drei Beispiele (PDF, 195.78 KB)
- Checkliste für richtiges Zitieren (PDF, 194.86 KB)
- Checkliste für Zeitplanung einer Qualifikationssarbeit (PDF, 246.28 KB)
- Checkliste zum Verfassen eines wissenschaftlichen Textes (PDF, 55.56 KB)
- Checkliste für Forschungsartikel – Aufbau & Argumentation (PDF, 282.78 KB)
- Checkliste für Strategische Planung von Qualifkationssarbeiten (PDF, 219.41 KB)
- Tipps für Interviews (PDF, 281.39 KB)
- Checkliste für Aufbau und Gliederung wissenschaftlicher Texte (PDF, 262.75 KB)
- Checkliste für Exposés (PDF, 187.89 KB)
- Checkliste zu Grundsätzen einer Dissertation (PDF, 51.32 KB)
- Checkliste für Hausarbeiten (PDF, 257.6 KB)
- Checkliste für Argumentieren – Drei Argumentationsfiguren (PDF, 177.18 KB)
- Checkliste für Arbeitsgespräche – Erste Hinweise (PDF, 466.24 KB)
- Checkliste für Abstracts (PDF, 274.71 KB)