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Study in Europe with the Erasmus+ Programme

Studying in Europe can be an exciting and enriching experience abroad. By participating in the Erasmus+ programme, you will be supported in many ways!

Erasmus+ Programme at a glance


You will study between 2 and 12 months in a coordinated programme at one of the partner universities of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You will be supported by the International Office during your preparation and stay.

Recognition of academic achievement

The Erasmus+ programme clearly regulates the recognition of achievements made abroad at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam - this allows you to easily integrate the study stay at our partner university well into your studies.

Support with language acquisition

The Erasmus+ Programme accompanies you extensively with free linguistic support. The Online Linguistic Support is a European Commission platform for online language tests and free online language tuition.

Clear rights and obligations

Your rights and obligations in the Erasmus+ Programme are clearly and transparently set out in the Erasmus+ Student Charter.

Monthly mobility allowance

You will receive financial support in the form of a monthly mobility grant. Tuition fees at the other university are dropped.

Multiple funding opportunities

You can be funded by Erasmus+ for up to 12 months per study cycle. This means that you can be funded several times in one study period (Bachelor, Master, PhD) and thus, for example, also do an Erasmus+ internship in the same study period.

Who can participate in the Erasmus+ Programme?

You can apply for a place in the Erasmus+ programme if you

  • are enrolled for full-time studies (studies leading to a degree) at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. International students who do not have their main residence in the target country may also apply.
  • can prove sufficient knowledge of the language of instruction at the partner university. Depending on the partner university, you may have to prove this by providing proof of language proficiency.
Silhouette der Kontinente als Weltkarte

Where to go with Erasmus+? - Partner universities

An Erasmus+ study visit is only possible at an Erasmus+ partner university of your degree programme or department. You can find out more in our overview of partner universities.

A stay at the partner university in Edinburgh is also still linked to Erasmus funding.

Partner universities


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Semester abroad Università degli Studi di Palermo - Arts Management and Cultural Work (B. A.)

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Pointers on the application

The application for an Erasmus+ study place takes place exclusively via the online portal for exchange programmes Mobility-Online. The application period is: 15/11/ to 15/01/ The application link for the next application period will be published here from November.

Application documents

The following documents must be submitted via the online portal:

  • Letter of motivation
  • Curriculum vitae (CV)
  • Current transcript of records (extract from MyCampus, or Bachelor's transcript for Master's students)
  • Proof of language skills in the language of instruction
  • Design students: Portfolio

Selection procedure

The International Affairs Officer in your degree programme or department will make a decision together with the International Office. Several aspects play a role in the selection: your motivation and the meaningfulness of the planned stay in relation to your studies or career goal, your knowledge of the language of instruction, as well as your academic achievements. Other aspects such as voluntary work can also be taken into account in the decision.

Financial support

You will receive a mobility grant with your place at the partner university, depending on the destination country.

  Destination country from Summer Semester 2023*

until Wintersemester 2022/23

Group 1
Programme countries with a high cost of living

Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom

600 Euro / month 450 Euro / month
Group 2
Programme countries with medium cost of living
Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain 540 Euro / month 390 Euro / month
Group 3
Programme countries with low cost of living
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Northern Macedonia, Turkey 490 Euro / month 330 Euro / month

*With the transition to a new ERASMUS programme generation, the EU has decided to significantly increase the funding rates.

Special grants / social top-ups

You can also apply for one of the following special grants. With your application for one of the top-ups, you agree to keep the original proof of eligibility for the respective top-up for 5 years (e.g. train ticket) or to submit it to the International Office of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam for verification (only on request).

The application for the top-ups is made in the online application form with the application for the place at the partner university. In the form, simply click on the 1 or 2 top-ups you would like to apply for. We will then include the top-ups in the total amount of your Erasmus+ grant. We will inform you about the total amount of your scholarship after you have been accepted.

Students with a "degree of disability" (GdB) of 20 or more or a chronic illness that results in additional financial needs abroad receive a monthly allowance of 250 euros. Proof is a disability certificate or a medical certificate confirming that the chronic illness results in additional financial needs abroad. The basis for the classification of an illness as "chronic" is the "List of Chronic Diseases of the Robert Koch Institute".

In addition, students in these target groups can apply for real costs funding ("Realkostenantrag"). In the case of funding for the real costs the need is determined with the help of a comparative calculator. Approval is granted for a specific mobility and is based on the calculation of the additional need caused by the stay abroad and only takes into account costs that are not covered by other national agencies (integration offices, health insurance funds, regional associations, social welfare offices, student services).

In addition, you can undertake a preparatory trip to explore the circumstances on site in preparation for mobility that has already been granted (barrier-free housing, conditions on campus, local public transport, etc.). In addition, a maximum of one accompanying person can be funded as an assistant on the trip. If this is an option for you, please contact the International Office of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in advance.

Further information on the application for real costs or the application for a preparatory trip

Students from a non-academic home can receive a grant of 250 euros per month. This top-up can be applied for by students whose parent or parents, insofar as only one parent is known, has not or have not acquired an academic degree.

An academic degree is defined as a degree obtained at a university, a university of cooperative education or a university of applied sciences (within or outside Germany). In the skilled crafts sector, the master craftsman's diploma is not considered an academic degree.

If your parents are not sure whether their degree counts as an academic degree, visit the website of the "Stiftung Akkreditierungsrat". If you find your parents' degree there, it means that the degree is recognised as an academic degree. In that case, you may not apply for this top-up.

Students who have been in one or more jobs prior to starting their studies abroad, which they do not continue during their stay abroad, are entitled to apply for an allowance of 250 euros per month. Self-employment is also eligible for this allowance.

It must be an employment subject to social security contributions, for which the following applies:

  • The monthly earnings are between 450 - 850 euros. It is about the net earnings of all activities per month added up. An averaged calculation is permissible.
  • The employment must have been regularly pursued for at least 6 months up to the time of application for the study abroad programme.
  • The employment is not continued during the stay abroad (this also includes mobile working, working online, paid leave, etc.). Termination is not a requirement; the employment contract can also be paused.

Students who travel abroad with their child/children to study abroad can apply for this top-Up. The requirement is that the child/children are taken along during the entire stay. The grant is awarded per family, regardless of the number of children. It is also possible to apply if a caregiver (partner) is travelling with you; double funding is not possible.

In addition, students who want to travel abroad with their child(ren) can apply for real costs ("Realkostenantrag"). In the case of funding for the real costs the need is determined with the help of a comparative calculator. Approval is granted for a specific mobility and is based on the calculation of the additional need caused by the stay abroad and only takes into account costs that are not covered by other national agencies (integration offices, health insurance funds, regional associations, social welfare offices, student services).

In addition, you can undertake a preparatory trip to explore the circumstances on site in preparation for mobility that has already been granted (low-barrier housing, childcare, conditions on campus, local public transport, etc.). In addition, a maximum of one accompanying person can be funded as an assistant on the trip. If this is an option for you, please contact the International Office of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in advance.

Further information on the application for real costs or the application for a preparatory trip

Top-up for Green Travel

You can apply for this grant if you will travel to or from the partner university by one of the following means of transport classified by the DAAD as sustainable (at least 50% of the travel distance):

  • Train
  • Carpool
  • Bus
  • Bicycle
  • on foot
  • Ship

The amount of funding is a one-off 50 euros. In addition, there is the possibility of funding for up to 4 additional days of travel.

By applying, you agree to keep the original proof of arrival and departure for 5 years and/or submit it to the International Office for verification upon request.

Notes on the funding amount in the Erasmus+ Programme

The funding rates and funding criteria in the Erasmus+ Programme are set by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The maximum possible funding period and funding amount results from the amount approved by the DAAD in the so-called "grant agreement". The scholarship amount for students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is determined on the basis of the length of stay specified in the application form and the available budget. Against this background, it is possible that the financial Erasmus+ funding period is shorter than the duration of the student's stay. Students will be informed about the exact grant amount when the Grant Agreement document is sent out. In the past, for example, the funding period was limited to 135 days (4.5 months).

You have been selected for an Erasmus+ stay - now what?

Once you have made your selection, you will receive an email confirming or rejecting your application and must accept the exchange place in the online portal. From this point, the International Office will guide you step by step through your stay abroad via the online portal.

The selected students are nominated by the International Office at the partner university - between February and May for the winter semester and between September and November for the summer semester. With the nomination, we register you there for an exchange semester.

You must then register or apply at the partner university! After you have been nominated, you will receive the necessary information about the deadlines from the host university.

You will then be admitted by the partner university and enrolled there as an exchange student. Nevertheless, please make sure to re-register at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam!

The Erasmus grant is paid out in 2 instalments. Allocated exchange place included. You must follow the following steps or submit the necessary documents by the deadline:

  • Learning Agreement: In the Learning Agreement you list the courses you will take at the partner university. You also note the courses for which you would like to have these courses from abroad recognised. The document is signed by you, the responsible person at the partner university and the responsible person in your degree programme/department. You will find the template in the online portal and must also upload the document there as a scan with all three signatures.
  • Grant Agreement (original) This document is the grant agreement in which the funding amount and the period of stay are specified. The document will be sent to you by the International Office via email. You must sign it and return the original to the International Office.
  • Online language test OLS: The online language test in the language of instruction of the stay is compulsory for Erasmus+ participation (except for native speakers). The result of the test has no impact on the participation in the mobility. As a participant, you will take a language test before the start of your stay abroad. You will receive the access data by email. After the test, you will receive access to the online language course.

  • Participation report: All students funded by Erasmus+ are required to complete an online EU Survey from the EU Commission. You will receive the link to it by email.
  • Letter of Confirmation: At the end of your stay, the host university will confirm your actual arrival and departure dates on the Letter of Confirmation document. If these differ from the dates in the Grant Agreement, the mobility grant may have to be recalculated.
  • Transcript of Records: After the examinations, the host university issues a Transcript of Records listing the achievements made abroad.
  • Personal progress report for the International Office of the University of Applied Sciences, which may be published on the website.

Application for recognition: After you have received the Transcript of Records, you can submit the application for recognition of work done abroad to your contact person in the department or degree programme.


Checkliste Erasmus+ Aufenthalte 2024-25 (PDF, 214.27 KB)
Informationen und Checkliste für den Auslandsaufenthalt 2024-25
Grant Agreement Erasmus+ Vorlage 2024-25 (PDF, 3.53 MB)
Grant Agreement im Erasmus+ Programm für das Jahr 2024-25
Vorlage Übersetzung Leistungsübersicht - Transcript of Records (DOCX, 49.57 KB)
Vorlage für die Übersetzung der Leistungsübersicht im Kontext von Auslandsaufenthalten
Erasmus student charter (PDF, 1.58 MB)
Erasmus student charter für Teilnehmende am Erasmus+ Programm
Learning Agreement Erasmus+ 2024-25 (DOCX, 68.38 KB)
Learning Agreement für Auslandssemester im Erasmus+ Programm 2024-25
Ehrenwörtliche Erklärung Social Top-Ups (PDF, 153.34 KB)
Formular zur Beantragung des Social Top-Up im Erasmus+ Programm 2024-25
Ehrenwörtliche Erklärung Green Travel Erasmus+ 2024-25 (PDF, 117.7 KB)
Formular zur Beantragung eines Green Travel Zuschusses im Erasmus+ Programm 2024-25
Letter of Confirmation for Erasmus mobility for studies (PDF, 83.8 KB)
Vorlage für die Bestätigung für die tatsächlichen Aaufenthaltsdaten im Erasmus+ Programm Studium


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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