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Podcast Gründungsgeist Berlin-Brandenburg: Entrepreneurs in conversation

The podcast series of the FHP Entrepreneurship School with individual thematic focuses offers an insight into successful start-up projects from our metropolitan region.

Our german podcast episodes at a glance

Porträt von Jean-Pierre Winter

Von der studentischen Firma zu einer der größten Agenturen Brandenburgs

Inhaber der Firma "Medienlabor",  Jean-Pierre Winter, über 17 Jahre Erfahrung als Agenturgründer, über Veränderungen in den Gründungshilfsangeboten und dem einzig vorstellbaren Berufsleben als Selbstständiger.

Podcast Gründungsgeist - Medienlabor, Jean-Pierre Winter
Poträt von Mitgründer Lucas Delliponti von Kessel&Kelle

Wie passen Bierbrauen und Businessplan zusammen?

Im Gespräch mit Lucas Delliponti, Mitgründer der Brauerei Kessel&Kelle, über Upgrades für die regionale Bierlandschaft, Investitionen und große Zukunftspläne für Potsdams Innenstadt.

Podcast Gründungsgeist - Kessel&Kelle
Porträtfoto Uwe Hanf in Sepia mit Beschreibung seiner Person und Rolle an der FHP

Kultur als Geschäft: Honorarkalkulation und atypische Beschäftigung

Im Gespräch mit dem Dozenten des Studiengangs Kulturarbeit, Uwe Hanf, über Image, Idealismus und existenzsicherndes Arbeiten in der Kulturbranche.

Podcast Gründungsgeist - Uwe Hanf
Frontales Bild von Courtney eingefärbt in Orange und Blautönen

Without pressure, but with a lot of humour - working in two worlds

In conversation with Childhood Studies and Children's Rights graduate and comedienne Courtney June O'Conell.

Podcast Gründungsgeist - Courtney June O‘Connell
Bild von lächelnder Rebekka in Orange und Blautönen

Totally ok! Self-employment as a sideline

Communication designer Rebekka Eversmann talks to podcaster Doreen Löwe about self-employment in various projects, her love of hiking and her ukulele Juki.

Podcast Gründungsgeist Rebekka Eversmann – Podcast Gründungsservice
Porträtfoto von Coachin Sabine Arndt

Having the courage to break new ground

Management consultant Sabine Arndt also advises founders at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. In the podcast, she talks about her experiences as a coach and how she recognises projects with potential and when she tends to advise founders against their plans.

Podcast Gründungsgeist Sabine Arndt - Gründungsservice
Hanna und Max sitzen im Aufnahmestudio vor Mikrofonen

How a founding couple "healthily" mixes work and private life

Hanna and Max both founded in 2018. While Hanna, a design graduate from the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, now runs her own studio, the actor known from the series GZSZ is reluctant to commit to a job.

Podcast Johanna Mellenthin und Maximilian Braun - Podcast Gründungsservice
Sprecher Christian Leonhardt im Tonstudio

How to bring people together and help them with culture

In conversation with cultural worker and speaker Christian Leonhardt, his diverse cultural projects in Potsdam and the individual clarification of the question of what actually makes a good voice.

Podcast Christian Leonhardt - Podcast Gründungsservice Audiodatei
Christian Metzner in seinem Atelier

Just do it – the rest will come by itself!

Talk with designer Christian Metzner, whose label has grown slowly but steadily, is now distributed worldwide and can also overcome crises thanks to optimism and inventiveness.

Podcast Christian Metzner Brandenburg - Gründungsservice
Gründerinnen von x3 sitzen am gedeckten Tisch mit russischer Dekoration

From the spontaneous idea to the official foundation

In a talk with x3, whose first Russian-German post-post podcast came about spontaneously – but whose great success makes an "official setting" advisable.

Podcast x3 - Gründungsservice
Dirk Gorke im Sportstudio während des Trainings

Taking the step from a secure job into self-employment

In a talk with trainer Dirk Gorcke, who, as an employee and solo self-employed person, had previously thought through his team foundation down to the smallest detail.

Podcast Dirk Gorcke - Gründungsservice
Yaron Zimmermann steht vor 3-D-Drucker

Successful and risk-free founding during your studies

In the Talk with FHP graduate, interface designer and 3-D artist Yaron Zimmermann, who recommends self-employment during your studies for several reasons.

Podcast Yaron Zimmermann - Gründungsservice
Yvonne Speidel im Brautmodengeschäft

The priceless advantages of a family business

Talking to Yvonne Speidel, who runs a bridal fashion shop with her sisters, and about the secure backing within a family business.

Podcast Yvonne Speidel - Gründungsservice
Trainer Pascal Nagel hält Ball in den Händen

On the compatibility of values with constant market change

Talking to the sports school owner Pascal Nagel about the importance of permanently observing society and the media.

Podcast Pascal Nagel - Gründungsservice
Elisabeth Zimpfer in ihrer Praxis mit Hund

Grow fast, but healthy please!

In a talk with the founder of the practice, Dr Elisabeth Zimpfer, on the rapid expansion of the company, the compatibility with the necessary work-life balance and the question of how helpful professional coaching is in this process.

Podcast Elisabeth Zimpfer - Gründungsservice
Jannis Wetzlaugk mit fReundin und Anett Lommatzsch vorm Badedampfer

How important is "burning for the idea" really?

In a talk with the inventor of the rustic-decadent bath steamer Jannis Wetzlaugk about financing, using the expertise of others and genuine start-up mentality.

Podcast Jannis Wetzlaugk - Gründungsservice


ZEGM – Start-up and Management Qualification Unit

Room 3.01
Anke Lüers-Salzmann
Project coordination ESF and EXIST, initial consultation
Anne Timm
Content and social media marketing