P³Dual – Recruitment and Development of Professorial Staff
In the project "P³Dual – Recruitment and Development of Professorial Staff at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam Dual", attractive career paths for doctoral students and postdocs as well as practitioners are being developed towards an UAS professorship.

Your career at a university of applied sciences
In the interplay between theory and practice, we inspire young academics to pursue a career at a university of applied sciences and support them through long-term cooperation with practical partners. This is intended to demonstrate the UAS professorship as an attractive career path and close the gap in the search for suitable professorial staff. At the same time, we strengthen the cooperation with our strategic partners and thus create a strong basis for innovative research and transfer projects that advance the university's future fields.
Information on the project
The central element of P³Dual is the triad of practice, teaching and research in a dual model for promoting young talent. Teaching takes place at the university, while parallel research experience is gained in practical issues, for example together with companies or social institutions. Existing partnerships are developed into long-term strategic cooperations. The promotion of young researchers starts at various qualification levels: via dual models for a cooperative doctorate or a post-doctoral position, or also via corresponding models at the professorship level.
At the doctoral and post-doctoral qualification levels, participants in the P³Dual programme spend half of their time at the university doing research and teaching and half of their time working for a partner in the field. In this way, they can gain practical experience on the one hand and develop themselves further in research and teaching on the other, in order to qualify for a career as a professor at a university of applied sciences in the long term. With a strong interlocking of practical work with tasks in teaching and research, there is a benefit for all involved.
Furthermore, a strategic concept for academic personnel development is being developed in the project, the visibility of the possible career paths to a UAS professorship and the profiling of the university as an attractive employer are being advanced, cooperative models are being tested and evaluated, and the university's appointment strategy is being further developed. The tested models, structures and processes as well as qualification offers are anchored at the FHP in a sustainable and structural way.
The project is part of the federal-state programme "FH Personal" with a duration of six years (01/04/2021 – 31/03/2027).
The brief synopsis provides a compact overview of the project.
Cooperation partners include e.g. The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), the Stadt Potsdam with Smart City, the Jugendamt Lichtenberg, FamilienANlauf e.V., the Berlin Technology Foundation, Krekeler Architekten Generalplaner GmbH and ZRS Ingenieure GmbH.
As part of the FH Personal project, a nationwide campaign "Die HAW-Professur: Karriere mit Wirkung" is being run under the auspices of Fulda University of Applied Sciences with the aim of increasing awareness and visibility of the career path to the UAS professorship nationwide and enhancing the attractiveness of the job profile.
This platform contains currently advertised professorships at universities of applied sciences (UAS) nationwide.

Our dualers
Our advisory board
Application procedure for dual positions in the P³Dual programme
The recruitment process for the dual positions in the P³Dual programme has been completed.

P³Dual – Recruitment and development of professorial staff at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

THE HAW PROFESSION – A career with impact

Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz GWK

Federal Ministry of Education and Research