Official Announcements
An official announcement contains regulations that are of importance for teaching, research and administration at the university. They are either issued by a departmental council or the senate, or decided by the president's council. Some announcements must be confirmed by the responsible state ministry.
As an alternative to the chronologically sorted and filterable display of official announcements, you can also search for specific announcements using the search function on this page.
At a glance
Executive Director of the Senate, the Ethics Committee and for Committee Elections; Official Announcements
Legal framework
- Framework Act for Universities (HRG)
- Constitution of the State of Brandenburg (in particular Art. 28 ff.)
- Brandenburg University Act (BbgHG)
- Implementation of the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court on § 67 BbgHG
- Brandenburg University Access Act
Use the search system for Brandenburg state law to find further laws and ordinances relating to higher education institutions and the higher education system.