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Partners & Associations

Various associations and affiliated institutes support the university in the performance of its tasks.


Fördergesellschaft of FH Potsdam e. V.

The Fördergesellschaft of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam supports the development of the university and serves to promote science, research and the arts.

Institut für Fortbildung Forschung & Entwicklung e. V. (IFFE)

IFFE is a non-profit registered association that has been promoting the engagement of university lecturers and students at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam since 1995.


More news

Press release

University of Applied Sciences Potsdam appoints first transfer professors

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) was the first university of applied sciences in Brandenburg to introduce transfer professorships in order to strengthen the transfer of knowledge and technology between science and practice. This innovative model enables professors to focus more on co…


Press release

University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and S&P company cluster sign cooperation agreement to promote science and practice

University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FH Potsdam) and the S&P company cluster have signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement. The aim of the partnership is to develop innovative solutions for current and future challenges in the fields of construction, architecture and digitalisation through…



Lawyer and Start-Up Consultant Harald Keil in the Podcast Gründungsgeist Berlin-Brandenburg

"It always depends on the individual case": In this episode of "Gründungsgeist Berlin-Brandenburg", Harald Keil explains why this typical lawyer's phrase is nothing but the truth, even in the context of start-ups.



Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition – Apply now for Phase 2

The BPW celebrates its 30th anniversary. This year, prize money will once again be awarded for the best start-up ideas. Concepts can still be submitted for the second application phase.