Recognition of Competences Acquired Outside of University
If you have already acquired competences and qualifications outside higher education institutions, you can apply for these competences to be credited to your studies.

The following competences and qualifications acquired outside of higher education can be credited to you:
- Formally acquired competences (e.g. in vocational training), verifiable through recognised curricula and final and examination certificates,
- non-formally acquired competences (further and continuing education, VHS courses, etc.), verifiable by certificates and course descriptions, or
- informally acquired competences (e.g. through work experience, voluntary work), verifiable e.g. through qualified references.
Your competences will be credited at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, provided that the equivalence of the competences can be determined in terms of content and level. Up to 50 percent of a degree programme can be replaced by this.
The basis for the crediting of competences acquired outside of university is § 24, section 5 of the Brandenburg university act and § 24, section 5 of the framework regulations for studies and examinations.
The application for the recognition of competences acquired outside of the university must be completed in full and signed and submitted to the examination service by e-mail.
The crediting can only take place after enrolment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. We recommend submitting the application directly at the beginning of your studies, because if you have already started the examination procedure in a module or have definitively failed an examination, credit for this module is no longer possible.
To obtain credit for competences acquired outside of the university, you have to go through the following steps:
Initial counselling & contact
Make an appointment with the student counselling service for an initial consultation on credit transfer. If you have any questions regarding the assessment of the content of your achievements, please contact the person responsible for the module or the academic advisor of your department or department/degree programme.
As the Study and Examination Service, we will be happy to provide you with information on the application process, the processing of applications, the booking of achievements as well as questions relating to changing universities and degree programmes.