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Prepare for your Studies with the ESiSt Programme

The network ESiSt - Erfolgreicher Studieneinstieg für internationale Studierende in Brandenburg (successful university entry for international students in Brandenburg) prepares prospective international students linguistically and academically for university studies in Brandenburg. The programme includes various offers with different focuses as well as intercultural and scientific methodological trainings.


Are you interested in studying at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, but lack the necessary language and/or subject requirements? The following offers are open to you.
Please note: The courses and examinations take place at the University of Potsdam.

The Study Preparation Brandenburg (SVB) is aimed at prospective students who have neither a direct university entrance qualification nor sufficient language skills. The courses prepare students linguistically and subject-specifically for a university degree and conclude with a university entrance examination (valid for universities in the state of Brandenburg). In addition, there is general and intercultural preparation for entering a German university.

Start: winter semester
Duration: 2 semesters
Requirements: Indirect higher education entrance qualification, German B2
Admission test: German, mathematics (depending on desired course of study)
Content: German as a foreign language, 2 subject modules, intercultural and scientific methodological training
Examination: DSH examination, examination in 2 subject modules, cognitive test
Costs: approx. 300 euro semester fee/semester incl. semester ticket Berlin-Brandenburg, 160 euro DSH examination fee

Application period: 01/04/ - 15/08/ (course starts in October)
Documents: pre-examination documentation language certificate German B2 and 1-page letter of motivation outlining your interest in studying at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Requirement: indirect higher education entrance qualification, German C1
Examination: DSH examination, examination in 2 subject modules, cognitive test
Costs: DSH examination fee of 160 euros 

Application period: 01/02/ - 01/04/ (examination in June)
Documents: pre-examination documentation, proof of successful participation in a German C1 course and 1-page letter of motivation outlining your interest in studying at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

The DSH-course+ is aimed at prospective students who have a direct university entrance qualification but insufficient language skills. The course provides intensive preparation for the German Language Test for University Entrance (DSH). In addition, there is general and intercultural preparation for entering university.

Start: winter and summer semester
Duration: 1 semester
Requirement: direct university entrance qualification, German B2
Admission test: German 
Content: German as a foreign language, general study preparation, intercultural training
Examination: DSH examination
Costs: 400 euro course fee, 160 euro examination fee, approx. 300 euro semester contribution incl. semester ticket Berlin-Brandenburg

Application deadlines: 15/07/ (winter semester) and 15/01/ (summer semester)
Documents: pre-examination documentation language certificate German B2 and 1-page letter of motivation outlining your interest in studying at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Requirement: direct university entrance qualification, German C1
Examination: DSH examination
Costs: DSH examination fee of 160 euros

Application deadlines: 30/11/ (winter semester) and 31/05/ (summer semester)
Documents: Pre-examination documentation, proof of successful participation in a German C1 course and 1-page letter of motivation outlining your interest in studying at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

What kind of university entrance qualification is required?

The Studienvorbereitung Brandenburg (SVB) is aimed at prospective students of the University of Potsdam, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences who do not have a direct university entrance qualification (Hocschulzugangsberechtigung "HZB").

Applicants for the SVB must have an indirect HZB or home HZB that entitles them to study in the issuing country.

If you do not know what type of HZB you have, you can do a non-binding check here at uni-assist.



In just a few steps to a successful application! Follow the instructions.

1. Registration

Register in the online application portal of uni-assist. Select the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and your desired degree programme. Apply for the evaluation of your university entrance qualification (preliminary review documentation). Please note the application deadlines. The processing of your preliminary review documentation by uni-assist usually takes 4 to 6 weeks after receiving your application and payment.

*Further options for the assessment of your HZB:

Please also note the processing times, which may exceed the times stated above.

2. Submit documents

Send all required documents (preliminary review documentation, proof of language proficiency, letter of motivation) by e-mail to, stating your name and desired degree programme.

3. Wait for feedback

If your application is complete, you will receive an invitation to the admission test after the application deadline.


Overview of degree programmes the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam - ESiSt fields of study (PDF, 95.88 KB)
Assignment of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam degree programmes to study area, subject modules & admission test ESiSt © International Office

What our participants say

Foto von Sofia Cubillos, Teilnehmerin des Kurses "Studienvorbereitung Brandenburg"
© Mahdi Alheraki

"I would especially like to mention the ESiSt team, which has been very attentive to me every step of the way, from the beginning to the end.

The SVB course gave me the tools I needed to achieve my goal of studying at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Today, when I go to a lecture where I have to listen to the lecturer, when I write a paper or when I want to express my opinion in a discussion, I always thank this course and think that without it, I would not be able to do such tasks.

The SVB course has prepared me well for university, the teachers have always paid attention to the fact that we are fit to study. The SVB course not only prepares students linguistically and professionally; through the course I was able to learn and understand more about the culture of Germany and the political system.

I would recommend the course to others. Everyone should take advantage of this great opportunity."

Sofia Cubillos, student communication design from Colombia, participant SVB course 2020



Koordinatorin Internationale Studierende
