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Organisation of Studies in the Conservation and Restoration Degree programme

At a Glance

Course Catalogue

Course offerings for all degree programmes of the City | Building | Culture department as well as the entire course catalogue of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Course Catalogue

Module Manuals, Study and Examination Regulations & Statutes

The relevant documents for the conservation and restoration degree programme (Bachelor's and Master's) include module manuals, study and examination regulations as well as statutes on aptitude testing in the Bachelor's degree and on the selection procedure in the master's degree.

To the Rules & Statutes

Documents and information relevant to studies

Further documents and information on the degree programmes

Documents and Information

Audit matters

Dates and recommendations for the bachelor's and master's examinations at a glance

Audit matters


Examples of current theses from the bachelor's and master's programmes


Module Manuals

Here you can find the currently valid module handbooks in the degree programme Conservation and Restauration. Further documents can be found in the official announcements.

No. 433
433 - Modulhandbuch für den Bachelorstudiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung (PDF, 1.36 MB)
(zur Studien- und Prüfungsordnung ABK Nr. 432 vom 10.02.2022)

Study and Examination Regulations

Here you will find the currently valid study and examination regulations for conservation and restoration. Further documents can be found in the official announcements.

Statutes: Qualifying Examination & Selection Procedure

Here you can find the statutes for determining the artistic aptitude for the bachelor's degree programme and the statutes for conducting the selection procedure for the master's degree programme.

No. 363b
363b - Satzung zur Feststellung der studiengangsbezogenen künstlerischen Eignung für den Bachelorstudiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung der Fachhochschule Potsdam vom 25.10.2019 (PDF, 114.29 KB)
in der Fassung der Ersten Satzung zur Änderung der Satzung zur Feststellung der studiengangbezogenen künstlerischen Eignung für den Bachelorstudiengang Konservierung und Restaurierung der Fachhochschule Potsdam vom 10.02.2022 - Lesefassung vom 10.02.2022 -

Audit Matters

Current dates for the bachelor's and master's examinations in the Conservation and Restauration degree programme


You can find most of the papers with a short summary in the Hornemann Institute database. There, every graduate has the opportunity to post their own work in order to make it available to interested parties.

Wall painting

  • Bulian, Luisa (M. A.): ORMOCER ® glass as a glaze supplement in the conservation and restoration of 19th and 20th century exterior architectural ceramics. Application-related evaluation based on test series - Poster
  • Kirmse, Clara (M. A.): The architectural version of the altar at the Villa Liegnitz: Perspectives in the conservation of monuments and historic buildings for dealing with lead-containing paint versions.
  • Bühler, Björn (M. A.): The University Carcass of Tübingen. Development of the basics for sustainable monitoring, based on climate measurements as well as investigations of the existing structure and its condition
  • Gloria Hohmann (M. A.) and Laura Wolfgramm (M. A.): The illusionistic room design on the 1st floor of Lindenstraße 42 in Potsdam. A restoration study on the inventory and condition with a focus on motifs, origin and references as well as a concept for the presentation and handling of existing retouchings. - Poster

Wall painting

  • Bulian, Luisa (M. A.): ORMOCER ® glass as a glaze supplement in the conservation and restoration of 19th and 20th century exterior architectural ceramics. Application-related evaluation based on test series - Poster
  • Kirmse, Clara (M. A.): The architectural version of the altar at the Villa Liegnitz: Perspectives in the conservation of monuments and historic buildings for dealing with lead-containing paint versions.
  • Bühler, Björn (M. A.): The University Carcass of Tübingen. Development of the basics for sustainable monitoring, based on climate measurements as well as investigations of the existing structure and its condition
  • Gloria Hohmann (M. A.) and Laura Wolfgramm (M. A.): The illusionistic room design on the 1st floor of Lindenstraße 42 in Potsdam. A restoration study on the inventory and condition with a focus on motifs, origin and references as well as a concept for the presentation and handling of existing retouchings. - Poster


  • Tamino Bayer (B. A.): Hammer veneering of convex and concave wood surfaces
  • Maximilian Bock (B. A.): Wooden shingle roofing at the Jägerhof - Museum for Saxon Folk Art - in Dresden. Investigation and presentation of the intermediate state and further considerations
  • Katja Hiller (B. A.): The inscription band of the epitaph for Franz Adolph von Nostitz. Art-historical classification and technological investigations with regard to the consolidation of the wooden inscription band, which was severely damaged by insect damage.
  • Irene Meneghetti (B. A.): "Xylography", an historical transfer printing method on wood. Research and replication, based on two side tables attributed to Joseph Schneevogl.
  • Janna-Simone Mostert (M. A.): Exploring Conservation and Restoration Techniques for Plywood or Laminated Wooden Objects. Possibilities of Re-adhering
  • Lilian Münch (B. A.): The Chairs of the Friedenskirche Potsdam-Sanssouci. An investigation into their possible origins
  • Carolin Otto (M. A.): The Renaissance Room in Babelsberg Palace from 1850: Technological studies of the wall panelling and preparation of a conservation concept
  • Marisa Zengin (M. A.): Fragments of a panel painting "Last Supper Scene" from the Protestant church in Tauche. Investigation and concepts for conservation and presentation
  • Barnes Ziegler (B. A.): The tension between copying and restoring the building-period condition of historical string instruments in a museum context. A study using the case of the Stradivarius violin 4467 of the Musikinstrumenten-Museum Berlin. - Poster


  • Sofie Lechner (B. A.): A standards detector FMB of the Vereinigung Volkseigener Betriebe Rundfunk- und Fernmeldetechnik (Association of People's Own Companies for Broadcasting and Telecommunications) - Investigation of the inventory and development of a concept for re-installation in the outdoor area.


  • Johanna Kaminska (M. A.): Manufacturing and exposure-related discolouration phenomena on low-fired plaster.Methods of cleaning and cleaning evaluation

Wall painting

  • Aguilar Rosas, Belinda (B. A.): Restoration studies on the history, technology and colour design of the Baroque ceiling by Andreas Schlüter in the Blue Salon of the Palais am Festungsgraben, Berlin. Development of a first restoration concept.
  • Fahrenbruch, Gesa (B. A.): The Soviet monument of the diver in the former Olympic village Elstal - possibilities of emergency securing in preparation for translocation.
  • Scubenica, Kristine (B. A.): The wall paintings of the vestibule in the south-east pavilion of the Orangery in Sanssouci Park. Examination of the painting technique
  • Guzman, Gabriela (M. A.): The use of the natural product nopal as an additive in lime mortar


  • Anne Bergmann (M. A.): Baroque confessional fragments in St. Nikolai, Stralsund Technological and condition investigations. Development of a conservation and restoration concept as well as considerations for a possible presentation in the church interior.
  • Buhl, Marie (B. A.): A cabinet (Inv.-Nr. VI 12252) from the possession of the Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin. Technological investigations
  • Kirstin Friese (B. A.): Technological investigation of the marquetry work on the console of Duke Franz Josias of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld from 1730/1760 under consideration of art historical aspects.
  • Anna-Maria Glöckner (M. A.): The marquetry in Boulle technique on a 19th century half cabinet from the Orangerie Palace Potsdam. Technological examination of the marquetry and development of a concept for its conservation and restoration.
  • Antonia Gerstner (B. A.): A tea casket from the 18th century. Determination and digital reconstruction of the original colouring - Poster
  • Matthias Hütter (M. A.): The pulpit altar in the village church of Stöbnitz. Status analysis and preparation of a conservation and restoration concept
  • Luisa Lessinger (B. A.): The Framus Atlantic 6 electric guitar: On the significance of the electric guitar as a cultural asset. Technological investigation of the surface on the object as well as reconstruction attempts on the decoration technique
  • Martha Marzahn (B. A.): A reliquary from the Berlin Museum of Decorative Arts. Inventory, technological investigations and restoration concept
  • Lea Morath (B. A.): The wooden furnishings of the parish church of St. Martin in Batzenhofen,1720 to 1725. An inventory and damage analysis
  • Carina Moser (B. A.): Thonet's rod gluing. Derivation and experiments
  • Mario Schloeder (B. A.): The pulpit of the Zwingli Church in Berlin Friedrichshain. Inventory as well as art-historical and technological studies. - Poster
  • Katja Schneider (B. A.): A flute grandfather clock from Lichterfelde Palace Inventory number: V214E. Art-historical classification of the floor standing clock and technological investigation of the coating with regard to signs of ageing and earlier revision phases
  • Carolin Zottmann (B. A.): Cork in the restoration of wooden objects. Technological investigation of the ageing behaviour with regard to elasticity


  • Kira, Darge, (B. A.): By hook or by crook - How far may the conservation of 19th century zinc castings go? The example of the Drake vase in Bad Pyrmont


  • Janosch Klein (B. A.): The development of a restoration and exhibition concept for a Gothic sandstone canopy and console from the holdings of the Bode Museum Berlin.
  • Katrin Bannasch (B. A.): The restoration and redesign of a section of the geological wall in the Botanical People's Park Blankenfelde-Pankow with special reference to the configuration of the ammonites.
  • Johanna Maria Quadrizius (B. A.): The water absorption of capillary active building materials with regard to the formation of the water body in depth
  • Sophie Erdmann (B. A.): Development of a restoration, conservation and installation concept for the painted plaster cast of the plinth of the princess group by J.G. Schadow in the Alte Nationalgalerie Berlin.
  • Maria Friedrich (B. A.): Design of historical concrete surfaces - their weathering and identification on the object.
  • Nele Priebs (B. A.): Polishable polychrome limestones Restorative handling of faded, formerly polished limestone surfaces".
  • Johanna Kaminska (M. A.): Discolouration phenomena on plaster. Methods of cleaning and cleaning evaluation
  • Thomas Gdanitz (M. A.): The Aedicules of the Roman Baths in the Sanssouci Palace Park - Development of a concept for measures with a focus on the pedestal steles made of Großkunzendorfer marble
  • Sarah-Theresa Becker (B. A.): Temperature-induced structural changes in Elbe sandstones. - Poster
  • Anne-Sophie Gaedke (B. A.): Fire-induced structural changes in Elbe sandstones and their metrological evaluation by means of drilling resistance measurement. - Poster

Wall painting

  • Laura Bluhm (B. A.): Material properties of hot lime mortar with regard to its historical use and application in conservation and restoration.
  • Nele Hanna Reimann (B. A.): Dealing with wall painting fragments as a research object Inventory, cultural property storage and future use. - Poster
  • Gierow, Merete (B. A.): St. Johanniskirche Dannenberg. Restoration studies of moisture-induced damage to painted wall surfaces with comparison of other churches in the Lüchow-Dannenberg district. - Poster
  • Janin Opel (B. A.): The Battle of Alexander in Liebenberg - a faience copy of the Pompeian floor mosaic. The development of a concept for its restoration and presentation. - Poster


  • Großgloß, Lisa and Steinborn, Jacqueline (B. A.): Reviver. A series of tests on modern furniture care products on the aged lacquer surface
  • Schneider, Katja (B. A.): A flute grandfather clock from Lichterfelde Palace Inventory number: V214E. Art-historical classification of the floor standing clock and technological examination of the coating with regard to signs of ageing and earlier revision phases
  • Moser, Carina (B. A.): Thonet's rod gluing. Derivation and experiments
  • Bausch, Eva (B. A.): Hammer veneering. Media research and experiments on rubbing veneer
  • Horstmann, Julia (B. A.): An icebox. Condition assessment and comparative technological investigation
  • Jäckel, Hannah (M. A.): The wall panels of the Chinese Room of Hetzendorf Castle, Vienna. Art-historical and technological investigations as well as conservation measures


  • Eulitz, Lea (M. A.): Challenges in the handling of galvanoplastic reproductions and their conservation possibilities.
  • Ehrenberg, Franziska (M. A.): Comparison of different apparatuses for the local reduction of corroded silver surfaces as a possible treatment method for miniature zer frames (Conservation/Restoration - Metal - MA). - Poster


  • Bannasch, Katrin (B. A.): The restoration and redesign of a section of the geological wall in the Botanical People's Park Blankenfelde-Pankow with special reference to the configuration of the ammonites
  • Friedrich, Maria (B. A.): Design of historical concrete surfaces - their weathering and identification on the object
  • Klein, Janosch (B. A.): The development of a restoration and exhibition concept for a Gothic sandstone canopy and a console from the holdings of the Bode Museum Berlin
  • Pfaffinger, Maria (B. A.): Development of a concept for dealing with the fragments of the crowning mythical creatures of the Renaissance portal of Pretzsch Castle, Bad Schmiedeberg
  • Quadrizius, Johanna Marie (B. A.): The water absorption of capillary-active building materials with regard to the formation of the water body in depth. - Poster
  • Gdanitz, Thomas (M. A.): The Aedicules of the Roman Baths in the Sanssouci Palace Park - Preparation of a concept for measures with a focus on the pedestal steles made of Großkunzendorf marble
  • Kaminska, Johanna (M. A.): Discolouration phenomena on plaster Methods of cleaning and cleaning assessment.

Wall painting

  • Savvidis, Ioannis (B. A.): As-is and damage analysis of the plaster on the Protestant Church in Murga/Hungary Development of the basis for a conservation and restoration concept
  • Bulian, Luisa (B. A.): Evaluation of glaze additives for historically glazed ceramics in exterior areas Outlook for a conservation and restoration concept for the glaze of the building ceramics of the building Scharnhorststrasse 2 in Leipzig
  • Döß, Antonia (B. A.): Treatment of defects in wall mosaics. Fundamental consideration and discussion using the practical example of the mosaic bands in the apse of the Ducal Mausoleum in Dessau
  • Groß, Michael (B. A.): The former painting of the early 20th century of the neo-Gothic Church of the Holy Family in Berlin-Lichterfelde
  • Kurze, Lisa (B. A.): The consolidation of powdery acrylic-based paintings with dispersion K52 using the example of the mural 'Nicaraguan Village - Monimbó 1978'.
  • Sokolowski, Janine (M. A.): The glass mosaics by Fritz Eisel at the Potsdam Computer Centre Art-historical classification, inventory and condition assessment as well as suggestions for conservation and restoration. - Poster


  • Behrens, Eike (M. A.): The presumably Bister-glazed, early baroque wooden beam ceilings in the south wing of Nossen Castle
  • Bergmann, Anne (M. A.): Die Wandvertäfelung des Ratsherrengestühls aus St. Nikolai, Stralsund - Technological investigations with regard to construction and wood preservatives
  • Feckl, Veronika (M. A.): The councillor's stalls in St. Nikolai, Stralsund - Technological investigations to record the condition, formulation of a conservation and restoration concept suitable for a listed building
  • Warnow, Louise (B. A.): Exemplary investigation of red-coloured transparent resin coatings on furniture of the 19th century
  • Roeder, Johannes (M. A.): Modification of conventional heating spatulas with the sliding and non-adhesive plastic PTFE* for use in restoration. - Poster
  • Bém, Jirka (M. A.): Steno-injection for wood restoration
  • Paul, Maria (M. A.): Fibre optic monitoring using FBG sensors on damaged wood
  • Engel, Richard (B. A.): A baroque console angel from the village church of St. Georg in Lüdershagen. - Poster
  • Lengfeld, Tino (B. A.): An Egyptian panel from the Museum of Islamic Art. Possibilities of supplementing destroyed wooden substance on the Egyptian panel. A comparison between milling and 3-D printing techniques for their applicability.
  • Mostert, Janna-Simone (B. A.): Timbers out of Papua New Guines (PNG). Identification and determination of mechanical and physical properties of timbers and their usage.


  • Kuzminskaia, Maria (B. A.): Galvanic precipitation over natural form - a galvanoplastic from the Karl Blossfeldt Collection: Investigations and restoration concept
  • Sindram, Christian (B. A.): The archer in the parterre of the Orangery Palace in Sanssouci Park - inventory and investigation of a copper engraving. - Poster


  • Felske, Felina (B. A.): Investigations on Trentepohlia using the example of the tomb Victorius on the southwest churchyard Stahns-dorf Occurrence and effect on the stone with the aim of purification
  • Gutglück, Jette (B. A.): Model consolidation of the polychrome settings on the medieval stone sculptures of Halberstadt Cathedral - testing of suitable consolidation methods, lamination materials and consolidation agents
  • Habisch, Aileen (B. A.): The neo-Gothic tomb of Krönig - inventory and condition assessment as well as the development of a concept for measures with a focus on cleaning
  • Kučera, Viera (B. A.): The vestibule of the former business premises of the Victoria Insurance Company in Berlin - inventory and condition survey and development of a concept for measures for the fire-damaged stucco plaster coffered ceiling. - Poster
  • Zilm, Joann (B. A.): Development of a stone supplement mortar for freely weathered red sandstone for the preservation of the Stone Album in Großjena
  • Escher, Almuth (M. A.): Inventory & condition of the epitaph Schönbeck with the focus on the mounting construction, the stone material and the polychrome setting - development of a concept of measures for restoration & conservation. - Poster
  • Möbius, Lea (M. A.): Erbbegräbnis Fischer - Damage analysis on the artificial stone tomb and the development of a concept of measures
  • Schubert, Theo (M. A.): Restoration in the Holy Land - Development of a conservation and restoration concept for the Mikwaot complex in the Protestant Zion Cemetery in Jerusalem
  • Vida-Punstein, Vanessa (M. A.): Systematic approach in the practice of conservation and restoration Development of a conservational/conservation measure concept for the baroque Kindsbacher wayside cross (Landstuhl/Rhineland-Palatinate).

Wall painting

  • Björn Bühler (B. A.): Tibetan-Buddhist wall paintings of the early 15th century in the Nyima Lhakhang in Mulbekh /Ladakh / India - inventory and condition survey and development of a conservation concept. - Poster
  • Kirschner, Patricia (B. A.): The St. Johanniskloster Stralsund - Investigation of medieval paintings in the former sacristy. - Poster
  • Pasternak, Alicia (M. A.): The presentation of highly fragmented paintings in a frame using the example of the town church in Altlandsberg
  • Selle, Anna-Christin (M. A.): Die ornamentale Ausmalung der Dorfkirche Niederlehme bei Königs Wusterhausen - Technologische Untersuchungen zur Erfassung ihres Bestandes im Hinblick auf die Erarbeitung eines denkmalgerechte Konservierungs- und Restaurierungskonzepes
  • Wolfgramm, Laura (B. A.): Inventory and condition survey of medieval wall paintings in the chapel of St. Mary's Church at Friedland. - Poster
  • Bartholomé, Josephine (B. A.): Untersuchung militärhistorischer Beschriftungen im Fort Hahneberg, Spandau Die Erfassung von Bestand und Zustand hinsichtlich der Erstellung eines Konservierungs- und Restaurierungskonzeptes. - Poster
  • Hohmann, Gloria (B. A.): Medieval vault painting in the house at Gr. Oderstraße 42 in Frankfurt/Oder as a rare example of profane room decoration of the Middle Ages - an investigation with regard to a conservation and restoration concept
  • Kassebaum, Lisa (B. A.): Damage diagnosis and salt analysis on the church in Murga/Hungary
  • Kirmse, Clara (B. A.): The ceiling painting in the Hermitage in Potsdam as an example of room decoration in Italianate villas at the time of Frederick William IV, draft for a presentation and restoration concept. - Poster
  • Schulz, Gustav (B. A.): Restoration investigations in the ruins of the Lieberose town church
  • Weiher, Laura (M. A.): Possibilities of the professional presentation of fragmentary wall paintings with "imaging" techniques using the example of the "Berlin Dance of Death" in the St. Marienkirche Investigation and creation of a concept for the fragmentary preserved "Berlin Dance of Death" with regard to the possible use of "imaging" techniques/procedures for the implementation of a presentation appropriate to the object.) - Poster
  • Knobba, Linda (M. A.): Investigation and development of a conservation and representation concept.



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