Studies and Teaching Unit
The studies and teaching unit (ZESL) supports the departments and the responsible bodies of the university in performing their tasks in studies and teaching. For this purpose, the team bundles and accompanies the processes of further development of studies and teaching at the University of Applied Science Potsdam.

The Studies and Teaching Unit has the following tasks in particular:
- Advising and supporting the departments in the continuous development of studies and teaching and in the execution of accreditation procedures
- Advising and supporting the departments in the continuous development of cross-university teaching
- Evaluation of cross-departmental studies and teaching conditions at the FHP (surveys of first-year students, study sections, graduates and teaching staff)
- Management and further development of the university-wide e-learning management system and e-assessment in terms of media didactics
- Supporting the Standing Committee Studies and Teaching in the fulfilment of its tasks in accordance with Section 18 (3) GO
- Development of a holistic quality management system in close cooperation with the University Planning and Development Unit.
Projects of ZESL
Recognition and Crediting
The ZESL develops quality-assured processes and standards that ensure transparency, consistency and flexibility in the procedures for recognition and crediting.
FLEX Data Competence
The FLEX Data Competence (DigiFLEX) project will create e-learning programmes for teaching data skills by 2026, which are aimed at students from all departments and are specially tailored to the needs of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
Work@Heart is a student guide, coaching and mentoring programme and a catalyst for career guidance. Insights into promising companies in Brandenburg, skills training and qualification opportunities increase the chances of a successful career start – possibly even a dream job.
The introduction of the MyCampus module EXA for mapping the processes in examination and event management is part of a larger project in which the previous software for managing the various processes of the student life cycle is gradually being replaced by the HISinOne software.
- No. 462462 - Satzung für die Zentrale Einrichtung Studium und Lehre der Fachhochschule Potsdam (PDF, 107.03 KB)Die Zentrale Einrichtung Studium und Lehre (ZESL) ist eine zentrale Betriebseinheit. Ihr Zweck ist die Unterstützung des hauptamtlichen wissenschaftlichen und künstlerischen Personals und der zuständigen Organe der Hochschule bei der Wahrnehmung der Aufgaben in Studium und Lehre.