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Equal opportunities office of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Gender equality work at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam follows the logic of gender mainstreaming. In all projects and in all decisions, the interests of and consequences for the genders must be considered. The fact that gender goes beyond the binary of man and woman is part of the concept of gender equality work at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Learn more about our work and our topics.

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has set itself the goal of actively contributing to the realisation of gender equality, to the promotion of women in those areas in which they are underrepresented, and to the compatibility of work, study, teaching, research and family at the University of Applied Sciences.

University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Equality Statute 2013

Themes of gender equality work

The Brandenburg university act defines the core tasks for equal opportunities commissioners. The gender equality oncept defines the goals and priorities in concrete terms. Current developments also contribute to the setting of topics.

Gendering is about not only "joining in" but making all genders linguistically visible (and audible). The fact that images are created in our heads through language, but that they can also be broken up and actions changed as a result, is one of the most important arguments for gender-appropriate language.

The FHP recognises this in § 9 of the basic regulations. Here it is stipulated that gender-equitable language is used at the FHP in "general correspondence and in legal and administrative regulations".

There are different variants of gender-appropriate language. We use the gender star, which also includes all those who do not find themselves in the binary system of man/woman. Further information and practical tips can be found in our publication MitSprache.

Further information:

Doppelpunkt oder Sternchen? Zur Frage der Barrierearmut einer gendersensiblen Sprache (PDF, 164.47 KB)
Stellungnahme der Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen e.V. (bukof) zu den Vorteilen des Gendersterns versus Doppelpunkt © bukof

It is part of the self-image of gender equality work at the FHP that gender identities go beyond the binary of man and woman. The equal opportunities office represents the interests of LGBTIQ, actively supported the "Queer Brandenburg" action plan passed by the Brandenburg state parliament in 2016 and is also involved in the and is also involved in the monitoring committee of the new "Action Plan for Acceptance of Gender and Sexual Diversity, for Self-Determination and against Homophobia and Transphobia in Brandenburg".

Naming of trans persons at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
Since the winter semester 2018/2019, it is possible to submit an application for a name change immediately after enrolment (or even later), which includes first names and/or gender indication. A dgti supplementary identity card is sufficient as proof. Afterwards, only the specified name and gender will be used at the university. For information on how to apply, but also on the possible consequences of a name change (from the BaföG office to the pension fund), please contact the colleagues at the department of student affairs.

Toilets for all
Since the winter semester 2016/17, toilets for all have been available in all buildings at the FHP, which can be used by all persons regardless of their gender. The room details of the toilets for all can be found in the well-being plan of the equal opportunities office.

By including gender aspects in teaching, universities can make an important contribution to counteracting gender-based discrimination. This involves both study content and teaching methods as well as research projects.

We advise on the integration of gender aspects into teaching and research at the FHP.

The university's goal is quality-oriented, parity-based staffing at all qualification and employment levels. The monitoring of appointment procedures is a central area of equal opportunities work. However, the responsibility for increasing the proportion of female professors and women in leadership positions and, if necessary, promoting women in those positions where they are underrepresented, lies with the respective decision-makers - the president, senate, dean, departmental council, appointment committee.

In appointment procedures, the state-wide "Checklist for Appointment Procedures to Ensure Quality Standards for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men at Brandenburg Universities" is applied.

The maxim of promoting women in those areas in which they are underrepresented applies not only to appointment procedures, but also to recruitment procedures.

University of Applied Sciences Potsdam also successful in the programme for female professors III

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam was once again positively evaluated within the framework of the female professors programme III 2019. Thanks to the successfully evaluated equal opportunities future concept, which was assessed by an independent panel appointed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the university was able to receive three start-up funds for the initial appointment of women to permanent professorships for the third time in a row – after 2008 and 2013.

The funds released thanks to the BMBF funding will once again be used to implement measures to promote equality and support families. The current measures include:

The current measures will be realised between January 2021 and April 2026.

Actively promoting the compatibility of family responsibilities with studies or work is one of the central tasks of the equal opportunities policy at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The university sees itself as a "family-friendly university" and is committed to the quality standards for equal opportunities and family orientation at Brandenburg universities. According to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam's understanding, a family includes all persons who take on long-term responsibility for other people in their private lives, i.e. marriage-like relationships, biological and non-bodily children, or even different generations.

In order to prevent dropouts and the drop-out of women from academia, it is especially important to start where there are difficulties in reconciling family and studies or academia. The equal opportunities office works closely with the family team in this area. One of the measures in this context is the graduation scholarships for female students with family responsibilities.

Further information:

There is often uncertainty about where sexism, sexual harassment and violence begin: What is still a compliment, what is funny, what is already assault? What is still a come-on, what is already harassment? Sexism, sexualised harassment and sexualised violence range from discrimination, jokes and attributions based on gender to harassment and actions to serious criminal offences. The following always applies: The person concerned decides for him- or herself what he or she perceives as harassing and discriminatory behaviour.

Have you experienced or witnessed sexism, sexual harassment or violence? The equal opportunities commissioner will advise and support you, also anonymously, by e-mail or telephone. Take a stand against sexism, sexual harassment and violence! Further information and practical tips can be found in our publication "Sexismus ist kein Kavaliersdelikt!"

Here you can find help quickly and easily
The help hotline "Violence against Women" is available.

For Potsdam students, the student listening phone nightline Potsdam and the psychological counselling centre of the Studentenwerk Potsdam can be reached. The psychological counselling centre of the Studentenwerk Potsdam provides an overview of other (telephone) contact points in Berlin-Brandenburg on its website.

External help
Immediate medical care and confidential evidence recovery, regardless of gender, are offered by the clinic association for victims of rape in Brandenburg. Counselling services, free legal advice and other help and support services for women are offered by the Potsdam women's centre.

Further information:

The corona virus is also testing us in terms of our efforts to increase equity: the need for good technical infrastructure and equipment for learning/working at home, but also suitable places to learn and work, the possible hurdles of digital teaching/learning formats for people with impairments and the financial concerns of students are among the aspects of the crisis that also worry us from an equality perspective.

Help hotlines

Students in Potsdam can reach the student listening phone nightline Potsdam and the psychological counselling centre of the Studentenwerk Potsdam. The psychological counselling centre of the Studentenwerk Potsdam provides an overview of other (telephone) contact points in Berlin-Brandenburg on its website.

Further information:


Sie können die Publikationen der Reihe "Atmosphäre der Anerkennung" über das Gleichstellungsbüro in gedruckter Form bestellen.

Cover mit der Aufschrift "Campus Kiepenheuerallee, Wohlfühlplan"


Wir wollen, dass Sie sich an der FHP wohlfühlen und den Kopf frei haben zum Studieren und Arbeiten. Die FH Potsdam bietet deshalb Angebote für Kinder und Familien, (soziale) Beratung, Rückzugsmöglichkeiten und Begegnungsorte. Einige dieser Angebote und Orte haben wir für Sie im Wohlfühlplan aufgelistet: von Ruhe- und Wickelräumen bis zum mobilen Kinderzimmer, von den Toiletten für Alle – unabhängig vom Geschlecht – bis zum Campusgarten. Fühlen Sie sich herzlich eingeladen, diese Orte zu erkunden!

Wohlfühlplan der FH Potsdam

Publikation Gendergerechte Sprache

Gendergerechte Sprache

Reihe Atmosphäre der Anerkennung

Die Veränderung von gesellschaftlichen Strukturen geht immer auch mit einer Veränderung der Sprache einher. Die Verwendung einer gendergerechten Sprache, auch Gendern genannt, spiegelt damit nicht zuletzt eine Haltung wider und ist ein Ausdruck der Anerkennung der Gleichstellung der Geschlechter. "MitSprache – Empfehlungen für eine gendergerechte Sprache", herausgegeben vom Gleichstellungsrat der FH Potsdam, bietet Hilfestellungen für eine gendergerechte(re) Sprache. 

Publikation Gendergerechte Sprache

Publikation Sexismus ist kein Kavaliersdelikt

Umgang mit Sexismus, sexualisierte Belästigung und Gewalt an Hochschulen

Reihe Atmosphäre der Anerkennung

Strategien zum Umgang mit sexualisierter Belästigung und Gewalt an Hochschulen finden Sie in der Broschüre "Sexismus ist kein Kavaliersdelikt" (2., überarbeitete Auflage 2017), herausgegeben vom Gleichstellungsrat der FH Potsdam.

Sexismus ist kein Kavaliersdelikt

Publikation Pluralität

Diversity an Hochschulen

Reihe Atmosphäre der Anerkennung

Mit "Pluralität - Konfliktpotenziale - Chancen. Leitfaden für die Umsetzung von Diversity an Hochschulen" ist die dritte Publikation von Prof. Dr. Gudrun Perko in der Reihe "Atmosphäre der Anerkennung" erschienen, herausgegeben vom Gleichstellungsrat der FH Potsdam. Die Broschüre informiert über die Bedeutung von Diversity, gibt einen Einblick in gesetzliche Grundlagen und zeigt exemplarisch Maßnahmen auf, die an der FH Potsdam realisiert wurden. Zudem bietet sie einen Leitfaden für die weitere Umsetzung von Diversity an Hochschulen.

Leitfaden für die Umsetzung von Diversity an Hochschulen


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Rednerpult in einem Hörsaal der FH Potsdam
President's Council Equal Opportunities Commissioner
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Gender-Equitable Appointment Procedures

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Filmplakat zur Frauentagswoche 2024
Equal Opportunities Commissioner

Press release

Feminism Today – Potsdam Universities with Documentary Film and Performance for Women's Week

The Equal Opportunities Offices of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF as well as the Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities of the University of Potsdam invite you to a joint event in the cinema of the Potsdam Film Museum on the occasion of…

Definition Menopause in Lexikon unterstrichen
Design Equal Opportunities Commissioner

Press release

Gender Prize of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam goes to Hyeonji Kim

Hyeonji Kim, a graduate of the Department of Design, was awarded the FH Potsdam Gender Prize for her Master's thesis "Designing a Customizable Period Tracker With a Human-Centered Approach and Data Visualisation to Support Menopausal Transition".

Stilisierte Urkunde
Equal Opportunities Commissioner Library


Reading with Julia Korbik and Presentation of the Gender Prize 2023

In an exclusive pre-reading, author Julia Korbik will give us an insight into her new book "Schwestern. Die Macht des weiblichen Kollektivs" and thus creates a wonderful setting for the presentation of the Gender Award 2023 of the FH Potsdam.

Equal opportunities office

You can reach the central equal opportunities commissioner on mondays to thursdays. On tuesday mornings, you can usually meet Sandra Cartes in the office. You are welcome to make an individual appointment for counselling, on site, by phone or by video call.

Central Equal Opportunities Commissioner

Representative of the Central Equal Opportunities Commissioner

Katharina Violet

Katharina Violet

Staff member Information Literacy, Training and Systematisation
Deputy Head

Representative of the Central Equal Opportunities Commissioner

Student Assistant in the Equal Opportunities Office

Mia Rößner

Mitarbeiterin im Gleichstellungsbüro

Decentralised equal opportunities commissioners I Equal opportunities council

There are decentralised equal opportunities commissioners for each department as well as for administration and central institutions. The decentralised equal opportunities commissioners and the central equal opportunities commissioner work together in the equal opportunities council, which evaluates and defines measures in regular meetings.

Social and Educational Sciences Department

Prof. Dr. phil. Friederike Lorenz-Sinai

Prof. Dr. Friederike Lorenz-Sinai

Professorship for Methods of Social Work and Social Work Research

Deputy: Dr Marit Cremer


Prof. Dr. Jeannine Meinhardt

Prof. Dr. Jeannine Meinhardt

Professor for Conservation and Restoration – Stone

Civil Engineering Department

Substitute: Rosana Morales Ruiz

Design Department

Substitute: Anouk Meissner

Information Sciences Department

Administration and Central Institutions

Anke Weiß

Anke Weiß

Coordinator for International Mobility and Erasmus

Substitute: N. N.