Knowledge & Technology transfer between science & practice

Your research on stage

Interface Design, Communication Design, Product Design
More eventsAction-Centred Coaching: Zoom Info Evening on the 25th of September 2024
Tracking Down Fake News with Digital Tools (CheckThat! Lab)
Workshops on Digital Teaching
Meetings of the Health and Safety Committee 2024

Course catalogue as an app!
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- Open link in smartphone: https://vvz.fh-potsdam.de
- Save the app
- Select your department and off you go!
Departments & Degree Programmes at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
For 30 years, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has offered a diverse range of courses with a personal working atmosphere in the departments of Social and Educational Sciences, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering, Design as well as Information Sciences.
Social and Educational Sciences
Department 1 was the first department at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and is also the largest department with approximately 1,000 students.
The various degree programmes and focal points of department 2 are interlinked via a cultural and (cultural) design claim.
Civil Engineering
Department 3 has been training young people to become civil engineers for 25 years and has seven laboratories that are used for research and study.
Characteristic of department 4 is the close integration of its degree programmes in Interface, Communication and Product Design and European Media Studies.
Information Sciences
Department 5 is known for its study concept of partially integrative training of archivists, librarians and information managers – also called the "Potsdam Model".
Degree Programmes
Find out about our more than 30 Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes and the various study options – from full-time face-to-face studies to dual degree programmes and part-time programmes.
Latest news
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Review of the Online Event "Digital Strategy for Archives and Public Libraries"
On the 12th of February 2025, the Brandenburg State Office for Archives and Public Libraries organised an online event on the topic of "Digital Strategy for Archives and Public Libraries". This was aimed jointly at employees of Brandenburg's archives and libraries. The aim was to provide insights…
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University of Applied Sciences Potsdam appoints first transfer professors
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Press release
New further education programme "Systemic organisational transformation" starts in autumn 2025
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