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Study Service

Beratungssituation mit zwei Personen (Gesichter nicht zu erkennen)

The Study Service advises applicants and students on procedural questions regarding application and studies. Our employees ensure that the framework conditions are regulated and inform you about the possibilities for shaping your studies.


If you want to continue your studies at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in the following semester, you have to re-register in the period from 01/02 to 01/03 for the respective summer semester and from 01/07 to 01/08 for the respective winter semester. Students who are expected to complete their studies in the current semester by 31/03 or 30/09 (including colloquium, defense or last exam) do not have to re-register.

Re-registration is considered complete when the semester fee due has been received in full on the account of the state's main treasury and has been assigned to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, as long as there are no other impediments. Reasons for impediments will be announced in MyCampus under "My Studies". You can then revalidate your Campus.Card for the coming semester.

Recipient: Landeshauptkasse
Credit institution: Landesbank Hessen Thüringen (Helaba)
IBAN: DE66 3005 0000 7110 4028 85
Reason for payment: Kz. 1006600001867/Matrikel-Number
Total amount: 322.74 Euro

Please enter only the four- or five-digit number of the matriculation number after the cash reference number. Do not include the letter "s" of the Campus.Account user ID (example: Kz.1006600001867/1002).

Please do not include any other information under "Verwendungszweck" (purpose of payment), otherwise the payment cannot be assigned.

The Deutschland semester ticket is valid for all students who are studying at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

According to the Deutschland semester ticket contract (§ 1 paragraph 2), students are excluded who

  • guest auditors and second auditors within the meaning of the relevant higher education law,
  • students who are exclusively enrolled in an evening, online or distance learning course without compulsory attendance (“distance students”),
  • severely disabled people who are entitled to transport according to SGB IX and who can prove that they have the supplement to the severely disabled person's ID card and the associated token,
  • students in part-time courses,
  • students who can prove that they are taking a vacation or semester abroad,
  • students who do not belong to the student body (double students who do not have the right to vote at the FHP),
  • students who complete a course of study with a scope of work of less than 15 ECTS (credit points) per semester,
  • students who are enrolled in supplementary, additional or postgraduate courses or who are taking part in further education courses as well as doctoral students.

The semester fee without travel privileges is 146.34 Euro.

Further exemptions
According to the VBB Semester Ticket Agreement § 4, you can apply for exemption or reimbursement of the semester ticket fee under certain conditions.

The application for exemption or refund of the semester ticket fee must be submitted at the same time as the payment of the semester fee. The required evidence must be submitted with the application no later than 30th of April for the summer semester or until 31st of October for the winter semester must be submitted to the study service.

After a reminder and a last reminder, exmatriculation takes place according to § 14 para. 5 no. 3 of the Brandenburg University Act (BbgHG). If you are planning a longer internship, a stay abroad or similar, please discuss this with us in advance and, if necessary, also arrange an extension of the deadline in the re-registration period.

Part-time study

At the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, students can apply for individual part-time study if they are unable to complete full-time studies for important reasons. In the individual part-time study phase, the time required for study can be reduced by a maximum of 50 percent of the usual study load.

The application for part-time study requires a study subject consultation, which is recorded in a study course agreement. If necessary, general study advising is also advisable before submitting the application, if student status with the health insurance fund or payments from the child benefit office are affected by the change to part-time study.

Part-time students have the same status within the university as full-time students. Individual part-time study does not create a legal entitlement to the provision of a separate course of study and instruction. The amount of the fees and charges to be paid per semester by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Studentenwerk Potsdam is not affected by part-time study.

Receiving BAföG while studying and taking advantage of the individual part-time study program are mutually exclusive, as BAföG receipt requires full-time study.

  • Care of children (up to the age of 14)
  • Care of a close relative
  • Disability or chronic illness
  • Volunteer/charitable work (at least 15 hours per week)
  • Professional activity (at least 15 hours per week)
  • committee activity within the student representation of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
  • other important reasons

  • for re-registration by 01.03. for the summer semester or 01.08. for the winter semester
  • for new or first-time enrollment within the enrollment period announced by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

  • Application for individual part-time study
  • Proof of the reason for application
  • Study progress agreement
  • Declaration that at least half of the time of full-time study will be devoted to studies

Alumni offers

The alumni offers enable graduates of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam to continue to maintain and establish social contacts with the university as well as with former fellow students and to take advantage of professional and academic continuing education opportunities.

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam would like to continue to invite you to events in your department, university festivals, professional days, etc., and to inform you about events concerning your course of study or the university and its graduates.

For this purpose, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam will continue to use your private e-mail address, which you can enter, change, or delete via your Campus-Account simultaneously with your exmatriculation. Access to the Campus-Account usually expires 6 months after exmatriculation. If you have any further questions, please contact the Study Service.

Semester Ticket

Since the summer semester of 2024, the nationwide uniform Deutschlandsemesterticket (DST) has been introduced exclusively in digital form. This means that the Campus.Card can no longer be used as a travel ticket from the summer semester of 2024. However, the Campus.Card still needs to be validated so that you have a valid semester ID card.

The DST is a digital ticket. You can find the corresponding link on MyCampus:    

  1. Access link from campus portal    
  2. Authentication by date of birth and student number   
  3. Click on the DST and show it at the checkpoint    
  4. DST can be used as a wallet or web ticket.

Further information about the DST can be found on the AStA of the FHP website.


Health insurance

As a student, you must have health insurance. This means that a valid health insurance policy must be presented in order to enroll at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
You can choose between a statutory and private health insurance during your studies.

According to 199a SGB V, there is a mutual obligation to register regarding health insurance between health insurance companies and universities. As of 01.01.2022, the electronic student notification procedure (SMV) of the statutory health insurance companies will apply at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Notifications in paper form can no longer be accepted.

The health insurance companies report to the university the:

  • Students' insurance status (M10)
  • Start of insurance in the event of a change of health insurance company (M11)
  • Delay in payment of health insurance contributions, i. e. automatically blocks re-registration at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (M12)
  • Settlement of arrears in health insurance contributions by the student, i. e. automatically releases the re-registration block at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (M13)

The university reports to the health insurance companies:

  • Start of the semester and the date of enrollment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (M20)
  • Expiration of the semester in which or with effect of whose expiration the exmatriculation takes place/occurred (M30)

Further information on compulsory health insurance and/or exemption from compulsory health insurance upon commencement of studies can be obtained from all statutory health insurance providers.

At the latest at the time of enrollment, we require an electronic notification of your insurance status (M10) from your health insurance company. Please contact your statutory health insurance company – the sooner the better. Your health insurance company will then send the required notification to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Please quote our dispatch number H0002156.

The insurance card or a written membership certificate are not sufficient. You cannot be enrolled without the digital confirmation of your health insurance. Please always inform your health insurance company about the sender number of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. With the help of the sender number, the health insurance can clearly assign the registration.

The following insurance options exist:

  • Family insurance: Up to the age of 25 or if you are married, you can remain insured as a family member as long as you do not exceed a certain income limit.
  • Statutory health insurance up to the age of 30: If you do not belong to the first group and do not pursue employment or self-employment for more than 20 hours per week during the lecture period, you must take out compulsory student insurance. You can choose the health insurance company yourself – the student rate is roughly the same with every provider.
  • Statutory health insurance from the age of 30: Students over 30 no longer receive a student rate. You can continue to insure yourself voluntarily at the regular rate.
  • Private health insurance: You can take out private health insurance or be insured through your parents under the law on benefits or private family insurance.
  • Free military insurance: If you were a professional soldier, you will generally remain insured with the free military insurance for two years after the end of your period of service.

Students who are already enrolled do not have to pay attention to anything for the time being due to the changeover. The changeover will not affect you until, for example, a change in health insurance occurs.

Students who change their health insurance:

In order for the next re-registration to go smoothly, we need an electronic notification of the health insurance change (M11) from your new health insurance company. Please contact your statutory health insurance company – the sooner the better. Your health insurance company will then send us the required notification. Please quote our dispatch number H0002156 for this purpose.

You need a valid health insurance policy for your enrollment and throughout your studies at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Students who become subject to compulsory insurance upon enrollment can apply for exemption from compulsory insurance.

The application must be submitted to any statutory health insurance company within three months of the start of the compulsory insurance period. Please inform the statutory health insurance company of our sender number H0002156.

Note: The exemption is effective for the entire duration of the studies and cannot be revoked. The exemption does not take effect beyond the duration of the studies.

You contact any German statutory health insurance to be exempted from compulsory insurance. Also request them to report your insurance status to us using the reporting reason M10 for the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (sender number H0002156). For this purpose, submit the proof of free medical care of the statutory health insurance.

The general rule for international students is: You must have health insurance in order to study in Germany.

  • Germany has social security agreements with several countries, including the member states of the European Union and the European Economic Area. If you come from one of these countries and have statutory health insurance there, you can have this insurance coverage recognized in Germany by a statutory health insurance company. As a rule, you will need a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) for this purpose. You can apply for the EHIC free of charge at your health insurance company. Please contact a German statutory health insurance company upon enrollment and show them the EHIC. Ask the health insurance company to report your insurance status to us using the reporting reason M 10 University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (H0002156).
  • If you do not have access to a health insurance company in your home country, you must take out insurance in Germany. Please take out a German health insurance policy immediately before or after your arrival in Germany. There are two types of health insurance in Germany: statutory and private. Please refer to "für applicants"(health insurance) for information on insurance options.
  • If you exceed the age of 30 during your studies in Germany, you can continue to be insured in the statutory insurance with a higher contribution. If you are already older than 29 when you start your studies, you can only take out private insurance.
  • Travel health insurance (Travel Insurance) does not provide sufficient health insurance coverage for the duration of your studies in Germany and will not be accepted as proof of insurance. Travel health insurance is only valid for your visa and your entry into Germany as long as the semester has not yet begun.
  • Participants in study-preparatory language courses are not regular students in the sense of health insurance law, even if they are enrolled at a German university. They are therefore not compulsorily insured. As a rule, they also do not meet the requirements for voluntary insurance in the statutory health insurance. If you are attending a study-preparatory language course, only private health insurance is an option for you.

Compensation for disadvantages in studies

Compensation for disadvantages serves to prevent disadvantages in the performance of study and examination achievements. In the framework regulations for studies and examinations of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, special regulations for Bachelor's and Master's programs have been established. In doing so, the university follows the mandate of the legislature according to the Brandenburg University Act (BbgHG) § 3 para. 4.

Students who are pregnant, students with children or relatives in need of care, as well as students with health impairments and disabilities can apply for compensation for disadvantages. Support is available from our family representatives or from our representative for university employees with impairments.

In addition, you can apply for a disadvantage compensation for examinations within the application procedure (aptitude test, entrance examination or placement examination).

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam takes into account the special needs and requirements of applicants and students. We will be happy to advise and support you in order to take any necessary measures to ensure compensation for disadvantages and non-discriminatory and equal participation while maintaining equivalence, and to exclude disadvantages in the provision of study and examination services.

Advice on questions concerning individual disadvantage compensation for pregnant women, students during pregnancy, students with children or relatives in need of care can be obtained from our family affairs commissioner or our FAMteam.

If you have any questions or require individual compensation for students with health impairments or disabilities, please contact our commissioner for university employees with impairment.
As soon as you require a support service beyond information due to an impairment, e. g. for the processing of your application for disadvantage compensation, this is only possible for reasons of data protection if you fill in and sign the declaration of consent for data processing and send it by e-mail or by post to the commissioner for university employees with impairment. You can revoke the consent at any time if and to the extent that support is no longer desired by you.


If you find yourself in a challenging situation during your studies and need support to prevent disadvantages in the performance of study and examination achievements, you can apply for disadvantage compensation as follows:

1. Download and fill out the application

  • Download the application for disadvantage compensation in studies.
  • Under "Persönliche Begründung für die Antragstellung" describe your personal situation, to the extent that it seems reasonable for you.
  • Under the item "Beantragte Maßnahmen/Modifikation", please list the type of compensation you would like (e. g. "extended deadline by X weeks").
  • Please also remember to attach the relevant evidence to your application:
    • medical or therapeutic confirmation/attest
    • Severely disabled person's ID card
    • Maternity passport
    • Birth certificate of the child or
    • Care level of the person to be cared for

2. Advice and support

If you need help or support in filling out your application, you can contact the Application and Study Service, the Study and Examination Service,family affairs commissioner, or the commissioner for university employees with impairment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

3. Submission to the examination board

The completed application, including the appropriate supporting documents, must be submitted in a timely manner, i. e., before the start of the processing period for an exam/examination certificate, to the examination board responsible for the degree program. The chairperson of the examination board will make the final decision on the compliance of your application.


The regulations for compensation for disadvantages can be found in the framework regulations for studies and examinations of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam under §2 Section I. (Reading version from 02.11.2021)

Pregnancy & Maternity Protection

According to the Maternity Protection Act (Mutterschutzgesetz, MuSchG) of 01.01.2018, you and your child are entitled to special protection against stress during the course of your studies for the time of pregnancy, immediately after birth, and during breastfeeding.
For general questions about pregnancy and studying with a child, please contact the FAMteam at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

The aim of the law is to enable you to continue your studies during pregnancy and breastfeeding without endangering your health or that of your child and to counteract possible disadvantages during pregnancy, after childbirth and during breastfeeding. The Maternity Protection Act includes

  • a protection period of 6 weeks before the birth,
  • a protection period of 8 weeks after birth or 12 weeks in the case of premature or multiple births, and (upon application) in the case of a disability of the child, provided it is medically diagnosed within the first 8 weeks
  • protection against activities involving particular stress or danger for mother and child during the entire pregnancy and breastfeeding period in the first year of the child's life,
  • protection against work on Sundays and public holidays as well as overtime and night work,
  • a right to compensation for disadvantages in order to minimize time delays in the course of studies due to pregnancy and birth,
  • a right to rest, reclining and breastfeeding facilities on campus,
  • time off for examinations in connection with the pregnancy (e.g. pre- and postnatal care) as well as for breastfeeding (at least twice a day for 30 minutes in the first year).

All of this must be granted to you in principle and without a separate application. The condition is that we are informed of your pregnancy.

You should inform the university of your pregnancy as early as possible so that your further course of studies can be planned in consideration of the protective measures. Of course, there is no obligation to disclose. If you have any concerns, the family team will advise you confidentially and without obligation.

Please note that the university is obligated to report reported pregnancies to the "Aufsichtsbehörde für den Mutterschutz". The Landesamt für Arbeitsschutz, Verbraucherschutz und Gesundheit (LAVG) is responsible for the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

  • Please notify the Department of Student Affairs of your pregnancy. Please submit your maternity passport to the notification of your pregnancy for the calculation of the protection periods. If this has not yet been issued, it can be submitted later.
  • The Department of Student Affairs informs the responsible Dean's Office about your pregnancy and asks to invite you to an interview for an individual risk assessment: Health hazards for you or your (unborn) child may arise during some events in the course of your studies. This applies in particular to workshop or laboratory activities, excursions under exceptionally stressful conditions or internships. In order to be able to assess these hazards, it is necessary for you to prepare a so-called individual risk assessment together with your degree program management.

Also use the discussion with your degree program director to plan your further course of studies. Clarify which achievements you can still prove before the birth, which dates are important for you and which alternatives you can use.

  • Separate risk assessments must be prepared for activities in the workshops and laboratories or practical positions in which you will be working during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • If laboratory and workshop activities, excursions under exceptionally stressful conditions, and internships result in special hazards that cannot be circumvented by separate protective measures, the respective workshop, laboratory, excursion, or internship supervisor must provide you with substitute services in which no health hazards can occur (see also § 2 Compensation for Disadvantages of the Framework Regulations for Studies and Examinations). The aim is to enable you to continue your studies without delays and restrictions as far as possible.

In general, there is a low risk of danger during studies. Courses involving laboratory and workshop activities, excursions under exceptionally stressful conditions and internships are to be considered and assessed in particular. If these are without special hazards as defined by the Maternity Protection Act, studies can be continued without restriction.

In your own interest: Please observe the regulations contained in the Maternity Protection Act (do not lift heavy loads, for example) and organize your daily and study routine accordingly. If you are unsure or have problems with the risk assessment, you can also obtain advice from the company doctor.

Note on data protection: The risk assessments are forwarded to the Study and Examination Service, where they are kept separately from your examination file and destroyed after a statutory retention period of two years.

  • Throughout your pregnancy, you have the right not to attend classes between 8 pm and 10 pm and classes on Sundays. You are to be offered alternatives to prevent delays in your studies. However, you may attend these events during pregnancy if you specifically agree to do so with the Dpartment of Student Affairs. Please submit a waiver for this purpose. A revocation of the waiver is possible at any time.
  • During the statutory maternity leave periods, i. e. 6 weeks before the birth and (usually) 8 weeks after the birth, there is a relative ban on examinations. This means that you have the right not to take exams and are exempt, for example, from courses with compulsory attendance, excursions as well as laboratory and internship activities.
  • However, if you wish, you can also take part in examinations or courses during your maternity leave. The condition is that you expressly declare to the Study and Examination Service that you are waiving your maternity leave. This also applies to the submission of homework and final papers during the maternity leave periods. The declaration can be revoked at any time, also for individual courses and examinations, for the future.

Without submitting the waiver, you may not participate in any course, examination or internship during maternity leave!

  • You are entitled to compensation for missed examinations due to your maternity leave and, if applicable, missed courses. Talk to the lecturers in good time about re-examinations or possible alternative performances!
  • The relative ban on examinations also applies to the submission of term papers and final theses during maternity leave. The waiver can also be used here. Please note that maternity leave does not automatically result in an extension of the deadline or an interruption of the processing time. This does not affect individual agreements on deadline extensions due to impairments caused by pregnancy (see §2 and 20 of the framework regulations for studies and examinations).
  • It is also possible to apply for a semester leave of absence during maternity leave. As a rule, however, no examinations can be taken during a leave of absence. The dean of the department decides on exceptions.

If you are working as a student or research assistant, the regulations of the Maternity Protection Act for employees also apply. Information on this can be obtained from the Human Resources Department.

With the help of the checklist, you can keep track of everything that needs to be taken into account from the time you become aware of your pregnancy until the eight-week maternity protection period.


Exmatriculation can take place upon the student's own application during the current semester or at the end of the semester, or can be pronounced ex officio. With the de-registration, the membership at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is terminated. A retroactive application is excluded. Exmatriculation can take place on the day of application at the earliest. The statutory health insurance company will be informed by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam about the date of exmatriculation.

The presentation of the final thesis is also possible after exmatriculation. If the final thesis is submitted in the current semester, re-registration in the relevant degree program for the coming semester can be waived for the presentation of the final thesis, provided that the registration/invitation was made at the time of enrollment. In this case, before making a decision (re-registration or de-registration during the graduation period), a consultation should be taken at the Study Service.

Exmatriculation is pronounced ex officio if, among other things

  • the deadlines prescribed for the re-registration procedure have been missed or the semester fee to be paid has not been paid despite a reminder and warning of exmatriculation (missing re-registration),
  • the required proof of health insurance coverage has not been provided,
  • exmatriculation has not taken place upon application after successful completion of studies,
  • you have re-registered for the coming semester and then completed your studies in the current semester after all, including the presentation of your thesis,
  • a prescribed examination has been definitively failed or the examination entitlement has been lost.

In the context of exmatriculation, if applicable, the refund of the semester fee paid can be made by submitting an informal application with the return of the Campus.Card and providing the IBAN:

  • Application for a proportional refund of the semester ticket fee in case of exmatriculation during the semester (see Re-Registration and the application for "Rückerstattung").
  • Informal application together with the application for exmatriculation for refund of the semester fee if exmatriculation is applied for at the end of the current semester after re-registration has already taken place for the next semester
  • Application for refund of the Campus.Card balance

Downloads of applications for de-registration from the departments Civil Engineering, Design, Social and Educational Sciences, Information Sciences, and the programs of the Department of City | Building | Culture:

Alumni offers

The alumni offers enable graduates of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam to continue to maintain and establish social contacts with the university as well as with former fellow students and to take advantage of professional and academic continuing education opportunities.

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam would like to continue to invite you to events in your department, university festivals, professional days, etc., and to inform you about events concerning your course of study or the university and its graduates.

For this purpose, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam will continue to use your private e-mail address, which you can enter, change, or delete via your Campus-Account simultaneously with your exmatriculation. Access to the Campus-Account usually expires 6 months after exmatriculation. If you have any further questions, please contact the Study Service.


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Service information


Availability & Opening Hours of the Information, Study and Assessment Administration Service

Please note the changed service times between the 2024/2025 public holidays.

Service information


Upgrade of the Semester Ticket to the Deutschlandticket

Students at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam can now upgrade their semester ticket to a Deutschlandticket and use almost all means of transport throughout Germany.


Application and Study Administration Service

Application and Study Administration Service

Sachbearbeiterin Bewerbungs- und Studien-Service

Application and Study Administration Service

Commissioner for University Employees with Impairment

Room 0.17

Office hours

by arrangement