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Work@Heart – Successful career entry in Brandenburg

Collage: Frau steht auf Papierflieger mit Glühbirne unter dem Arm, Buch und Laptop auf den Flügeln, Zahnräder hinter der Frau

Work@Heart is a student guide, coaching and mentoring programme and a catalyst for career guidance. Insights into promising companies in Brandenburg, skills training and qualification opportunities increase the chances of a successful career start – possibly even a dream job.

From the seminar room to the job interview

The fact is: working is more than earning money. After all, your job accounts for a large part of your life and therefore also your quality of life. Work is part of your own mindset and your job reflects this. Why should we settle for less? We want more ...

grafik collage Hand Zeigefinder Pfeile zeigen auf Umriss Land Brandenburg mit Stern

Take off in Brandenburg!

The state of Brandenburg offers excellent conditions for a good work-life balance: nature, culture and a good infrastructure allow any lifestyle to flourish. Progressive working time models, cosmopolitanism, sustainability and proximity to the metropolis of Berlin turn Brandenburg into an attractive place to work, which attracts the start-up scene for good reason. So it's worth it: Work@Heart4Brandenburg!

Work@Heart is a combination of different modules, most of which can be used independently of each other and at any point during the degree programme. Students can only apply for the certificate programme from the 3rd semester onwards.

Work@Heart is therefore suitable for all those who want to analyse their study and job goals and become a professional part of Brandenburg.

Planning tool for career entry

Work@Heart can do more than just recommend and mediate. The programme offers participants special advisory and qualification services – from the first to the last semester.

The three components "career advice and planning, certificate programme and the accompanying event concept" are geared towards individual requirements and life circumstances. This also enables students with families or English-speaking students, for example, to take part in the programme. It is possible to join the programme at any time, up to a maximum of 1 year after graduation. Only the certificate programme is limited to participation from the 3rd semester and for a period of one year.

Focus on the essentials

Students who need space for stress-free and undisturbed work have work and meeting places or co-working spaces available in the Entrepreneurship & Management Lab on campus and in the computer centre. If you are interested, simply send an email to

Customised career counselling is the first step in planning your professional future and is open to all FHP students and graduates up to one year after graduation. During the lecture period, Work@Heart offers all interested parties regular open consultation hours in the cafeteria.

There is also the opportunity for individual or targeted counselling sessions. The coaching sessions are available to Bachelor's students from the 3rd semester or Master's students from the 1st semester and deal with the following questions:

  • What can I do after graduation?
  • Which of my personality traits are helpful for my professional life?
  • Does my degree programme match my career aspirations?
  • The result of each counselling session is a time and milestone plan.

Finally, application coaching prepares you for a confident and confident application process.

The coaching sessions can take place in person or online, in German or in English. To arrange an appointment, simply send an email to

Qualification at a new level: participants in the certificate programme gain in-depth insights and can develop profound skills in one of the three subject areas:

  • Perspectives on Sustainability
  • Digital Transformation
  • Internationalisation and Intercultural Competence

Leadership skills training is integrated into all three certificate programmes. Participation in one of the certificate programmes must be specifically applied for. Successful completion of the programme is a decisive advantage for starting a career.
The certificate programme is accompanied by a supporting programme with networking events, career talks and job shadowing, which includes valuable contacts with potential employers and companies in Brandenburg.

Places on the certificate programme are limited. All interested students from the 3rd semester onwards can apply via email to:

Events on relevant topics are organised 4 times a year:

  • Application processes (tips and tricks for the application)
  • The future world of work (digitalisation, flexibilisation, agility, confident English-language correspondence and communication at work)
  • Work-life balance (self-care: activating and protecting resources)
  • Salary negotiation

The events are based on each other chronologically, but can also be attended separately. Topics that are particularly relevant for women are covered in a special event:

  • Women in MINT professions: Opportunities and challenges
  • Negotiating salary effectively and successfully
  • Impostor phenomenon
  • Appearing confident and self-assured
Certificate programme – More Skills 4 Better Jobs
  • Aufbau und Ablauf des Zertifikatprogramms

    Job-Qualifizierung next level: Das Zertifikatsprogramm von Work@Heart erhöht die Chancen Studierender für den erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg – flexibel, nachhaltig und parallel zum Studium.

    Über 2 Semester erhalten Teilnehmende tiefere Einblicke in ihr jeweiliges Berufsfeld, besuchen passgenaue Workshops und bauen ein beständiges Netzwerk auf. Es besteht die Wahl zwischen drei Ausrichtungen, die zu ihren Jobvorstellungen passen und folgende Benefits bieten:

    • wertvolle Kontakte zu Brandenburger Unternehmen 
    • Career Talks und Job-Shadowing mit eigeninitiativer Ausgestaltung
    • Coaching, Workshops und Vorträge zu berufsrelevanten Fragen und Mindset-Themen
    • eine begrenzte Teilnehmer*innenzahl von maximal 15 Personen für eine intensive Lernerfahrung und vertraute Atmosphäre
    • einen aussagekräftigen Nachweis mittels Teilnahmezertifikat der Fachhochschule Potsdam für die Bewerbungsunterlagen


    Schematische Darstellung des Programmablaufs des Zertifikatprogramms
  • Collage in grün gelb Hände halten Ball in Natur tanzendes Päärchen davor

    Perspectives on sustainability

    As part of three workshops, the participants will take an interdisciplinary look at current and future sustainability issues and learn how to design their own measures for sustainable working in a company.

    1st workshop "Sustainability as a social challenge" in cooperation with the Virtual Academy for Sustainability of the University of Bremen

    • The concepts and dimensions of sustainable development and examples of implementation in politics and practice

    2nd workshop "Sustainable Management" organised by the Start-up and Management Qualification Unit (ZEGM)

    • Sustainable behaviour of companies and instruments for sustainable resource management

    3rd workshop "Education for Sustainable Development" (ESD) from the Social and Educational Sciences Department

    • Empowering people to think and act sustainably and enabling successful ESD in a business environment
  • Frau in grünem Trenchcoat trägt alten Computer Hintergrund rot

    Digital transformation

    The "Digital Transformation" workshop series enables participants to actively shape the digital development and reorganisation of companies in order to make them future-proof.

    1st workshop "Data Science and Digital Literacy" from the Department of Information Sciences

    • Professional handling of digital media, basics of data collection, methods and processes of data utilisation

    2nd workshop "Digital Management" organised by the Start-up and Management Qualification Unit (ZEGM)

    • Successful organisation of digital change in companies as well as concepts, approaches and methods (e.g. agile project management) for operational development

    3rd workshop "Digital law and data protection" with external experts

    • Basics of GDPR, information and IT security, legal implications of digital change in a company and orientation for concrete implementation measures in practice
  • Grafik Collage in grautönen Hände in verschiedenen Hauttönen

    Internationalisation & intercultural competence

    The programme qualifies participants for internationally oriented companies in Brandenburg, for cooperation in international projects or intercultural teams in Germany and abroad.

    1st workshop "Intercultural Competence" from the International Office

    • Action and conflict resolution skills as well as tools for discrimination-sensitive communication

    2nd workshop "Dimensions of internationalisation in business" presented by ZEGM

    • Measurability of the degree of internationalisation of companies and profitable use of economic and cultural characteristics

    3. compulsory part with options

    • Study-related stay abroad (min. 4 weeks) with creditable study visits, internships or specialised excursions
    • Language course (at least 30 teaching units): e.g. at the adult education centre in the Bildungsforum (VHS) Potsdam/at the FHP


More events
Start-up Service, Social and Educational Sciences, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering, Design, Information Sciences Info Event
19/11/2024, 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm
Zielgruppe: University members, Students
Location: Online
Start-up Service, Social and Educational Sciences, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering, Design, Information Sciences Workshop
29/11/2024, 9.00 am – 2.00 pm
Zielgruppe: Students
Location: Online
Start-up Service, Social and Educational Sciences, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering, Design, Information Sciences Workshop
03/12/2024, 9.30 am – 1.00 pm
Zielgruppe: University members, Students
Location: Online
Start-up Service, Social and Educational Sciences, CITY | BUILDING | CULTURE, Civil Engineering, Design, Information Sciences Workshop
14/10/2024, 8.00 am – 17/01/2025, 12.00 pm
Zielgruppe: Students
Location: House 1Room 1.19


Studies and Teaching Unit

Room 3.08a

ZEGM – Start-up and Management Qualification Unit

Room 3.01

Contact person

Antje Kuhle
Head of Quality Management for Studies and Teaching

Contact person

Anke Lüers-Salzmann
Project coordination ESF and EXIST, initial consultation

Contact person

Anke Weiß
Coordinator for International Mobility and Erasmus

Funding information

EU Sterne auf blauem Hintergrund und Brandenburger Adler mit Schrifzug

Supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy with funds from the European Social Fund Plus and the State of Brandenburg.