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Lampion-Girlande auf dem Campus der FH Potsdam

We look forward to welcoming you to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. On this page you will find all important information about the start of your studies.


Bitte beachten Sie: Ihr Semesterticket gilt erst ab dem 1. Oktober 2024. 

Für die Einführungsveranstaltungen am Montag, den 30.09.2024 und Präsenzveranstaltungen in einigen Studiengängen bereits ab Ende September müssen Sie ein reguläres Ticket für die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel erwerben, um zum Campus zu gelangen.

Useful tips for starting your studies

You have your Campus.Account for the WIFI, your email address and other electronic services of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The access data will be sent to you by post with your Campus.Card.

You can access the WIFI network eduroam on the entire campus.

Please check your new university mailbox regularly. To do so, log in to with your Campus.Account. We recommend adding the mail address to your mail programme. You can find instructions here.

The library in the main building offers literature as well as rooms for smaller seminars and group work. To use it, you must bring your own lock to store your bag. Your ID is your Campus.Card.


The central contact point for questions and concerns regarding the administration of the study period is the study and examination service. For example, if the Campus.Card is on strike, leave of absence semesters are requested or there are questions about certificates.

The student counselling service helps with individual questions about study-related decisions. Here you can get help with motivation or organisational problems or other difficulties concerning your studies.

You can find further offers in the direct entry for students.

Mit der Campus.Karte können Sie in den Potsdamer Mensen zu vergünstigten Studierendenpreisen essen. Informationen zum tagesaktuellen Angebot und zu Allergenen finden Sie auf dem Speiseplan der jeweiligen Mensa.


Studierende sitzen vor der Mensa in der Sonne

Getting to know the university and Potsdam

Come by and discover the sights of Potsdam or meet for a coffee in the city centre. We would also like to invite you to take a look at the campus. Feel free to sit down at the Casino, the student pub on campus, and exchange ideas with students. Or come to the campus garden, a green community project in the middle of campus.

Get to know campus life


Maria Bütof
Staff member Student Counselling Service