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All News of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

News nach Aktualität

Organisational unit
    Studierende in Teamarbeit an einer Tafel
    Study & Teaching


    Places still available - Lottery procedure starts

    There are still places available at the FHP for the winter semester 2024/25

    Studentin lernt in der Bibliothek der FH Potsdam


    Registration for the Long Night of Writing is now open for FHP students

    Register now for 17th of October and benefit from the "Long Night of Writing"! The student counselling service and the library of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are once again offering the opportunity to advance your own writing project with input lectures and the chance to concentrate…

    Abstraktes rotes Bild
    Study & Teaching


    Adobe Promotion for Students

    The FH Potsdam Supporters’ Association is launching an Adobe campaign at the start of the winter semester 2024/25.

    Studierende in Teamarbeit an einer Tafel
    Study & Teaching


    Language Courses for FHP Students in the Winter Semester 2024-25

    The Adult Education Centre at the Bildungsforum (VHS) Potsdam offers language courses for students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) in cooperation with the FHP.

    Studierende schreibt Antwort auf
    Campus life


    Orientation and Accessibility at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

    Accessibility at universities is of central importance in order to provide all students, staff and visitors with equal access to the campus and to education. This starts with good orientation on campus.

    Potsdam Oberbürgermeister, Mike Schubert, steht vor dem FHP Mobil und hält die Eröffnungsrede zum Start der interkulturellen Wochen in Potsdam


    With "Ice Cream Cones for Social Justice" and the FHP Mobile in Potsdam for the Opening of the Intercultural Weeks

    85 years after the beginning of the Second World War, on the occasion of Anti-War Day on the 1st of September 2024, the Interreligious Forum Potsdam and the Ecumenical Preparatory Committee invited people to the Brandenburg Gate in Potsdam for the opening of the Intercultural Weeks 2024. The…

    Zwei Personen helfen sich gegenseitig beim Erklimmen eines Zielpfades


    How do you work? Insights into the everyday Working Life of former FHP Students

    Call for Participation! Planned Job Shadowing by Alumnae/Alumni for Students shows Career Prospects at close Quarters.

    Kitabild mit Spielsteinen im Vordergrund

    Press release

    Brandenburg's education plan comes into force

    With the publication of the new education plan "The extended principles of elementary education" by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MBJS), Brandenburg is sending a strong signal in favour of child-oriented and scientifically based early childhood education. The education plan was…

    Kurz Vorgestellt: Prof. Dr. Franzsika Geib
    Briefly introduced


    A brief introduction: Prof Dr Franziska Geib

    Prof. Dr Franziska Geib, born in 1987 in Alfeld an der Leine in Lower Saxony, has been a professor in the Department of Social and Educational Sciences since 1 April 2024. She is Professor of Inclusive Work with People with Disabilities and Diversity and the Anti-Discrimination Officer at Potsdam…

    Foto vom Fachtag Suchtselbsthilfe


    Addiction self-help in open men's and women's prisons

    On 4th of July 2024, the symposium "Addiction self-help in open men's and women's prisons" took place at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences. The occasion was the publication of a qualitative study on addiction self-help in open prisons, which was carried out at the University of Applied…

    DAAD-Preisträger Hadi Daaboul mit Blumenstrauss und Urkunde

    Press release

    DAAD Prize 2024 goes to Hadi Daaboul

    Hadi Daaboul, a student on the "Childhood Studies and Children's Rights" Master's programme at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, was awarded the DAAD Prize 2024 for his outstanding achievements and remarkable social commitment.

    Person arbeitet am Laptop zu nachhaltigen Umwelt-Themen
    Further education


    Fits into Every Day: Flexible Courses from the Virtual Academy for Sustainability (VAN)

    Sustainability is an important social issue and concerns everyone. More and more companies are therefore also focussing on sustainable development within their management. Job applicants with the relevant qualifications can increase their chances through further training programmes such as those…