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Press release

International Girls' Day at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Werbeflyer Weltmädchentag 2023

Wednesday, the 11th of October, is International World Girls' Day. As a global day of action, it gives girls a voice and makes their needs visible. World Girls' Day has existed since 2011 and calls for an international commitment to the rights of girls and young women. The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is also involved with an extensive programme.

The municipal coordinator for children and youth interests, Stefanie Buhr, is organising the international Girls' Day for the fifth year in cooperation with the Zimtzicken girls' meeting place and the Coordination Office for Girls' Work in Brandenburg (KuKMA). This year, she was able to gain the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam as a further cooperation partner for this day.
"The basic idea of our cooperation is to show girls opportunities for their life path, which begins with an experience, a first contact. This can then open up prospects for the future. We want to make girls curious about what the University of Applied Sciences has to offer in order to show them opportunities and possibilities to actively shape their own world. As part of the rally in the afternoon on the 'Bassi', we offer girls a public sphere that they otherwise don't have."

In cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, girls can get a taste of life as a student at the university and get to know the various degree programmes at the "student for one day!" campaign. The girls can have lunch with the other students in the canteen and try out the "Market of Opportunities", the health days taking place at the same time. From 10.00 am, Potsdam schoolgirls are invited to the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam to conquer the campus for themselves.
Gerlinde Reich, Chancellor of the FH Potsdam: "We are opening our doors on the International Girls' Day and I am very pleased about the great interest in our university. I see this day as a wonderful opportunity to showcase the diversity of our educational institution and to encourage girls to pursue their academic ambitions. At a time when education and equal opportunities are more in focus than ever, it is crucial to offer girls the opportunity to explore all paths and horizons. Universities are places for learning, realising potential and preparing for the future. We want to encourage girls to pursue their passions and interests, regardless of traditional gender roles. A day like today helps to break down stereotypes and prejudices. Girls should have the same opportunities as boys, because this is the only way to promote not only gender diversity at our universities, but also the diversity of ideas and perspectives in our society."

In order to draw attention to the situation of girls everywhere and to raise their voices against discrimination, the annual political rally for the International Girls' Day will take place in the afternoon from 4.00 pm, this time on the action area at Bassinplatz in Potsdam.
The event will be moderated by the fantastic spoken word artist Jessy James LaFleur, who will enter into dialogue with prominent women who are active at a state political level. Among them are:

  • Ursula Nonnemacher, Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Integration and Consumer Protection of the State of Brandenburg
  • Manuela Dörnenburg, Equal Opportunities Commissioner of the State of Brandenburg
  • Katrin Krumrey, Children and Youth Commissioner of the State of Brandenburg

From the municipal side

  • Claudia Sprengel, Equal Opportunities Officer of the state capital Potsdam
  • Stefanie Buhr, Coordinator for Children and Youth Interests of the City of Potsdam

will complete the panel.

"We want to promote the interests of girls and young women, take their needs seriously, open up opportunities for them and give their rights a voice. We are trying to do this in various ways and today, on World Girls' Day, these endeavours are being given a platform and a stage: be loud, be unyielding and be proud. In Potsdam, we are setting an example for the rights of girls and drawing attention to the importance of equal rights and equal opportunities for society as a whole. Until this is finally achieved, we will certainly be here many more times, but until then we will not tire of demanding the political participation of girls and young women in all areas," says Buhr.

Key co-organisers and important contact points in Potsdam are the Zimtzicken girls' meeting place (Potsdam Women's Centre), Wildwuchs Streetwork (SPI), AWO JUNGE PLATTFORM office and the Brandenburg Contact and Coordination Centre for Girls' Work (KuKMA) . They will creatively visualise their demands for a stronger girls' policy and enter into conversation with the girls.

Finally, the Nauener Tor will traditionally be illuminated in bright colours in the early evening as a symbol for the girls of this city. "This has become a tradition. We explicitly didn't choose the colour pink because we want the colourful gradient to represent the diversity of being a girl*," says Stefanie Buhr.

>When: 11 /10/2023, from 10.00 am
> Where: Main building

Further information