Press release
Symposium "Duration and Transience. Reflections on the lifespan of buildings"

From 3 to 5 June 2024, the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences will host the symposium "Duration and Transience. Reflections on the Lifespan of Buildings" will take place. The event, organised by the Institute for Building Research and Conservation (ibb), aims to contribute to placing the lifespan of buildings at the centre of the sustainability debate.
At a time when climate justice, CO₂ reduction and sustainability are central topics of public discourse, the lifespan of buildings and the potential of structural measures need to be at the centre of the discussion. The Institute for Building Research and Conservation (ibb) at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences is addressing this important topic and organising a symposium that addresses key aspects of the service life of buildings.
Relevance of the topic
The service life of buildings plays a crucial role in efforts to achieve sustainability and climate protection. Significant resources can be saved and CO₂ emissions reduced by maintaining, adapting and retrofitting existing structures. The symposium looks at the temporal concepts that affect the longevity and actual useful life of buildings and addresses the traditional architectural concepts of repairable and recyclable construction.
Interdisciplinary approach
Building requires an interdisciplinary approach, especially in view of the increasing demands on sustainability. The symposium offers a platform for experts from the fields of architecture, civil engineering, conservation and restoration as well as those working and researching in building conservation in general. The aim is to promote inter- and transdisciplinary diversity and facilitate dialogue between the various stakeholders.
Programme and registration
The symposium will take place from 3 to 5 June 2024 ("Lunch-to-Lunch") at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences and is linked to a half-day excursion.
A Registration for the symposium is still possible.
You can also find detailed information on the individual days in the programme:
The event will begin on 03 June at 13:00 with
- a welcome address by the President of the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, Prof. Dr Eva Schmitt-Rodermund
- a welcome address by Dipl.-Ing. Matthias Krebs, President of the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers
- a greeting from Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Nagler, Förderverein Baukultur Brandenburg
Further information can be found at:
Institute for Building Research and Conservation (ibb)
The Institute for Building Research and Conservation (ibb) is a joint scientific institution of the Faculties of Urban | Construction | Culture and Civil Engineering. The study programmes Architecture and Urban Planning, Conservation and Restoration, Cultural Work, Civil Engineering and Building Conservation & Building in Existing Contexts are involved. The ibb was founded on 22 June 2004 as an in-house institute of the FH Potsdam and serves the purpose of science, research and development. Its main areas of activity are building conservation, preservation of historical monuments and restoration.