Press release
Exhibition "Drängende Gegenwart" shows photographic Works by Design Students at the Potsdam State Parliament

The exhibition "Drängende Gegenwart - Fotografie als Forschungsinstrument" was opened on the 11th of July 2023 in the foyer of the Brandenburg State Parliament by the President of the State Parliament, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Liedtke. The photographic works of students from the Department of Design will be on display until the beginning of September. The young photographers have spent the past two semesters artistically exploring the eponymous theme as part of a course taught by Professor Wiebke Loeper, Professor of Photography.
In times of hyperintelligence, wars and the climate crisis, what are the topics we want to explore photographically? How can we use photography to explore, investigate and discover new things about the world we live in? How can we tell other people's and our own stories, increase knowledge, question things, share experiences and/or awaken mutual understanding?
"Drängende Gegenwart – Fotografie als Forschungsinstrument" is an exhibition at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The photographic works reflect the massive societal and social upheavals and challenges that are characterised by the confluence of multiple crises. From the state of shock in the Oderbruch region after the fish kill, to dealing with health challenges, stories from the neighbourhood and utopian questions, the students approach the various thematic complexes visually, each with their own means and approaches.
The exhibition conceived for the Brandenburg State Parliament gives younger photographers a voice and a place – especially those of the generation that is particularly affected by the social upheavals and existential crises of the present.
In her welcoming address, President of the State Parliament Prof. Dr. Ulrike Liedtke said: "The news on television and radio, the newspapers and so-called social media are full of unheard-of, unexpected and often unbelievable reports. It is a time characterised by multiple crises and challenges. This makes it all the more important for young people to raise their voices and share their perspectives on the world with us. This exhibition is an impressive example of how photography can be used as a form of expression to express the pressing issues of our time and bring them closer to others."
The exhibition in the foyer of the Brandenburg State Parliament is open from the 12th of July to the 8th of September 2023, Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm. It will be closed on public holidays.
With works by: Mohadese Beykzand | Stephanie Hagenstein | Ronja Heeland | Paula Kalinowski | Nicolas Kawohl | Nele Kontny | Jeannie-Darlene Köppe | Michaela Maier | Simon Naudé | Monique Petermann | Larissa Pütz | Benjamin Ressi | Martin Zerr
Exhibition concept: Prof. Wiebke Loeper and Birte Rauch
Transfer service: Ulrike Weichelt, ZEFT, FH Potsdam"
Exhibition opening
11th of July 2023, 6.00 pm
Exhibition duration
12th of July until 8th of September 2023
Birte Rauch
Communication Design
Professor Wiebke Loeper
Professor of Photography
Department of Design