Press release
2nd Building Culture Dialogue in the Series "Living Building Culture and Climate Protection"

"Baukultur-Dialog – Baukultur und Klimaschutz leben" is a three-part series of events as part of the Baukultur Year Brandenburg 2023. It is embedded in the profile line Design-Build-Preserve of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and takes place in cooperation with Kulturland Brandenburg, the Förderverein Baukultur Brandenburg, the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects, the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers and the Berlin-Brandenburg Association of Architects and Engineers. Current and upcoming changes in building culture in the context of climate protection will be discussed.
The second event is dedicated to the topic of "Passing on building culture - rediscovering lost building knowledge and revitalising dying crafts". The continuation of the dialogue series will be presented on the 31st of May 2023 in the Theaterwerkstatt of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and via livestream. Registration is requested, admission is free. The first event took place on the 17th of May, the recording of the 1st Baukultur Dialogue can be viewed here.
Passing on building culture – Rediscovering lost building knowledge and revitalising dying craftsmanship
Registration, livestream and continuous updating of the programme at:
Before mechanisation revolutionised the construction industry, climate-adapted building with durable and repair-friendly constructions, locally available materials and regional craftsmanship techniques were part of the foundation of building culture. In the wake of the climate crisis, these principles are now coming back into focus. In order to build on this, lost building expertise must be rediscovered and dying craftsmanship revitalised. We ask ourselves: How can building history and building research help to rediscover and disseminate lost building knowledge? Which old techniques have a great future? How can the field of conservation and restoration help us to reactivate lost craftsmanship knowledge? And how can the university contribute to this knowledge transfer?
Rudolf Spindler and Hannah Höpfner
Prof. Dr. Jan Raue, Dean of the Faculty of City | Building | Culture
Natural climate control in traditional Central Asian wind towers
Dr. Dinara Nazarova, Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Energy and resource-efficient refurbishment of historic buildings
Claudia Hennrich, Managing Director of Deutsches Fachwerkzentrum Quedlinburg e.V.
Repairing, reconstructing, restoring
Hermann Klos, Managing Director of Holzmanufaktur Rottweil
Closing remarks
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Silke Straub-Beutin and Prof. Dr. Jan Raue
For decades, building legislation, the construction industry and vocational training have primarily focussed on new buildings. However, in view of the high consumption of energy and land, climate-damaging emissions and the huge volume of waste, a reorientation is unavoidable. Instead of demolition and new construction, the focus is shifting to repair, conversion and further construction, the rediscovery of resource-saving building materials and construction techniques and the densification of our city and village centres. In order to provide scientific support for these necessary developments, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has founded the profile line Design–Build–Preserve. The profile line's Building Culture Dialogue uses keynote speeches and practical examples to ask the following questions together with guests from politics, construction practice, academia and students: Where do funding programmes and building laws need to be adapted so that a new culture of continued building can emerge? What innovations are needed to transform the construction industry? And what can we do in university teaching to accelerate a transformation?
When: Wednesday, the 31st of May 2023, 6.00 pm – 8.00 pm with aperitif afterwards
Where: Theatre workshop in the main building of the university of applied sciences
Kiepenheuerallee 5, 14469 Potsdam
and in the livestream
Registration is required, admission is free.
3rd Building Culture Dialogue: Creating liveable centres - the backbone of an environmentally friendly building culture
14.06.2023, 18:00 - 20:00 hrs
The Building CUlture Dialogues take place in cooperation with Kulturland Brandenburg, the Förderverein Baukultur Brandenburg, the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects, the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers and the Berlin-Brandenburg Association of Architects and Engineers.