Bookbinding Workshop

The bookbinding workshop of the design department offers all possibilities for professional work with the materials paper, cardboard, paperboard and fabric. Books, brochures, booklets, folders, cassettes, boxes and packaging of all kinds can be produced and finished.
- 1 cutter with a cutting width of 44 cm wide and a stacking height of approx. 4 cm
- 3 cardboard shears
- 3 presses with formats for DIN A3
- 1 embossing press up to DIN A3 format
- 1 creasing and perforating machine up to 45 cm width
- 1 light table
- 1 machine for producing ring binding brochures DIN A4 and DIN A5
- 1 paper drilling machine
- 1 set of embossing fonts
- 2 perfect binding desks
- 1 perfect binding machine for print runs of 20 or more copies
- a variety of bookbinding tools and consumables for which a charge is made
0331 580-1460
Opening hours during office hours after registration via the Workspace
Head of the Bookbinding Workshop
Telefon: 0331 580-1460
Öffnungszeiten während der Sprechstunde nach Anmeldung über den Workspace
Leitung (z.Z. beurlaubt)
Leiterin Buchbindewerkstatt
Leiterin Buchbindewerkstatt