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Mural | The Caspary and Harteneck Mausoleums in the Stahnsdorf Southwest Churchyard

Inventory and condition survey of the superstructure and burial chamber of both mausoleums, plaster analysis, research on the (noble) plaster technique in the superstructure of the Harteneck mausoleum, development of a conservation concept for possible replacement of missing parts



Innenansicht des Mausoleum Harteneck auf dem Stahnsdorfer Friedhof
© Tjalda Eschebach
Teaching project
Student project
Design ∙ Build ∙ Preserve
Cooperation partners:
  • Förderverein Südwestkirchhof Stahnsdorf e.V., namely Mr Olaf Ihlefeldt
  • Office: RATHKE Architekten BDA

Brief description

The projects involve two mausoleums in the south-west churchyard diagonally opposite the cemetery chapel. It concerns the mausoleum of the industrialist family Caspary, built in 1911 by the architects Mohr & Weidner, Berlin-Charlottenburg, and the mausoleum of the chemical manufacturer Harteneck, built in the 1910s presumably by the architect Adolf Wollenberg.

The project work in the winter semester 2009/2010 includes taking stock, recording the condition and documentation (in writing, graphically, photographically), archival research on the respective object, compiling a catalogue of damage, carrying out emergency conservation measures and drawing up a conservation concept. The drawing fundamentals were carried out iThe basic drawings were drawn up in advance by Prof. Dr. Martina Abri and students of architecture and urban planning at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.

Building on the previous project work, conservation concepts were developed for the mausoleum of the chemical manufacturer Harteneck in the winter semester 2010/2011 to summer semester 2011 according to defined tasks. In addition, a detailed inventory of the crypt was begun. The specific task was: source writing studies on the use of white precious plasters. After the plaster had already been analysed by the previous group, a suitable supplementary plaster for the possible slope/closure of the plaster surfaces in the superstructure of the mausoleum was reconstructed:

  • Preparation of test specimens and (property) testing in the workshop of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.
  • Production of a suitable supplementary plaster in terms of physico-mechanical properties, "colourfulness" and appearance compared with the original
  • Sample axis on site for the supplement - Preservation proposal
  • Mapping of the damage in the crypt and further elaboration of the conservation concept


Eschebach, Tjalda: "Stahnsdorf. Das Mausoleum Harteneck auf dem Südwestkirchhof. Eine Bestands- und Zustandserfassung", in: Brandenburgisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologisches Landesmuseum (Hrsg.) Brandenburgische Denkmalpflege, Neue Folge Jahrgang 2, 2016, Heft 1 , Geymüller Verlag für Architektur Aachen 2016, pp. 85 – 98.


Project management

Dipl.-Rest. Tjalda Eschebach
Workshop Manager Conservation and Restoration – Mural Painting

Drawing basics: In advance, building survey by Prof. Dr. Martina Abri and students of the architecture course at the FHP.

Participating students winter semester 2009/2010

Students of the 5th semester:

  • Annett Baack
  • Susanne Nitsch
  • Stephanie May
  • Anja Idehen
  • Liviana Köhn
  • Alexandra Schubert

Participating students Winter semester 2010/2011 to Summer semester 2011

Students of the 5th and 6th semester:

  • Clara Löffler
  • Nora Hauptvogel
  • Sophie Schneider