Press release
Digital Cultural Change and Open Access: State Secretary Dünow gets Information about Networking and Coordination Centres

The State Secretary for Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg, Tobias Dünow, visited the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam on the 9th of March 2023 to find out about the work and potential of the central offices for knowledge transfer, skills transfer and transformation support in culture and science located there in a strategic expert discussion.
The aim of the exchange was to set the course for the future support of the state's universities and cultural institutions in the cultural change towards greater openness in science, research and culture.
All cultural and scientific institutions are confronted with digitalisation and the profound changes that come with it. They are called upon to recognise and understand the highly dynamic developments and to continuously develop their profiles and work accordingly. Digitalisation opens up enormous potential and enables new access and offerings that support greater participation, visibility and interaction in particular.
The state of Brandenburg supports its universities and cultural institutions with three central advice and coordination centres in order to identify and address the relevant needs and impart the necessary skills:
- Coordination Centre Brandenburg-digital
- Brandenburg State Centre for Archives and Public Libraries
- Brandenburg Open Access Networking and Competence Centre
State Secretary Tobias Dünow comments: "Brandenburg is one of the pioneers in the digital transformation in the science sector. Three central advisory and coordination offices at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam ensure that both scientific and cultural institutions can provide their own impetus for digitisation. Our common goal in a networked world: more innovation and better educational opportunities. Close cooperation enables synergies and the more effective use of resources. And joint projects, harmonised standards and best practices increase the visibility and dissemination of content. I would like to thank the FH Potsdam for its excellent coordination in the digital transformation in Brandenburg!"
He also emphasised Prof. Dr. Tobias Schröder, Vice President for Teaching and Learning at the FH Potsdam, emphasised: "More openness in science and culture is a perceptible and important socio-political change. Digitalisation opens up borders, strengthens networking and emphasises commonalities. The three central advisory and coordination centres at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are each supporting the ongoing transformation processes towards more digital openness at scientific and cultural institutions in the state of Brandenburg for their respective areas of activity. The cultural change will thus become a joint project in which all institutions work together for the benefit of society."