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Press release

Research Data Management at the FHP: Finding, Collecting and Publishing Data Treasures

Schatztruhe mit angedeuteten Daten
© Leonardo.Ai

The Research Data Management (FDM) team at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) is launching a project funded by the FHP Innovation Fund, which offers researchers the opportunity to utilise their previously unused data treasures. The aim is to make this data visible and usable for the scientific community through professional support. It does not matter whether it is older, unused data on external storage media or current data from ongoing research projects.

"Book a Data Steward" – professional support for researchers
Under the motto "Book a Data Steward", researchers and research groups from all disciplines can apply for the expertise of a professional data managerfree of charge. The selected projects receive individual support, ranging from the development of the project idea to the publication of the research data.

Central point of contact: the RDM team
The RDM team is the first point of contact for all questions relating to research data management. Coordinated by the Research and Transfer Service (ZEFT), the team brings together university stakeholders to manage research data strategically, legally, ethically and technically in the best possible way.

Benefits for research at FHP
The service enables researchers to make their projects more visible and maximise the benefits of their data. In short: your research, your data, your stage!
The commitment of the FDM team contributes significantly to the implementation of the "Statutes for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice and Dealing with Scientific Misconduct at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam" and the "Research Data Guideline of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam" and supports the establishment of a sustainable and quality-assured data culture in research and teaching.

Further information and call-to-action
The call-to-action will be published at the beginning of February 2025. Interested parties can find all details on the framework conditions and the application process there.

The FHP's RDM team, which is coordinated by ZEFT, is available to provide advice. 
Further information can be found on the FHP website in the Research Data Management section.

Anne Lambrecht