Press release
Inaugural Lecture by Prof. Dr. Martin Stürzlinger

On the occasion of his appointment as Adjunct Professor of Digital Archiving at the Department of Information Sciences, Prof. Dr. Martin Stürzlinger will give his inaugural lecture "Digital Archiving. Who do you trust with your data?" on the 18th of December 2023.
Digital archiving – formerly also known as long-term archiving – has outgrown its infancy and its volatile teenage years. We have established processes, standards, interfaces and, increasingly, systems.
The aspect of storage, storage according to the OAIS model, is increasingly coming into focus. For a long time, we delegated this to the IT departments and paid little attention to it. A closer look at this market reveals an incredible dynamic, driven by the technical possibilities. For archives, there are opportunities here to influence a development that can have a global impact.
About the person
Prof. Dr. Martin Stürzlinger is an expert in the field of records management and archives, with extensive professional experience in the public and private sectors. He studied history in Vienna and subsequently deepened his knowledge with a Master of Advanced Studies in Historical Research and Archival Science at the Institute for Austrian Historical Research (IFÖG). He continued his academic education until 1999 with a Master of Library Science at the University of Maryland, College Park, College of Library and Information Science.
From 2000 to 2006, Martin Stürzlinger worked as an archivist at the Vienna City and Provincial Archives (WStLA), where he became head of the information management department in 2002. He completed his doctorate in 2007.
He then founded the company Archiversum in Vienna. Archiversum focusses on consulting and services in archiving and records management. Between 2006 and 2007, he worked as an archival consultant at scope solutions ag in Basel. He continued to work with scope until 2012. Since 2012, Martin Stürzlinger has been involved in setting up the non-profit network Unternehmensgeschichte.
Through his many years of work at the Vienna City and Provincial Archives until 2006 and his partnership with scope solutions AG, he has a comprehensive understanding of the practice of archives in Austria and neighbouring countries.
He is also a member of the Association of Austrian Archivists (VÖA), the Verein der Wirtschaftsarchivare e.V. (VdW) and the International Council on Archives (ICA). In the latter, he is a member of the ICA - EGAD (Experts Group on Archival Description) working group.
Inaugural lecture
When: 18/12/2023, 6.00 pm
Where: House D / 011
Meeting ID: 666 7213 5880
Identification code: 60405897
The inaugural lecture is open to the public, will take place on campus in presence and will be broadcast live in parallel. Interested parties are welcome. Following the lecture, there will be a small reception in the foyer of House D.