Press release
FRÖBEL Symposium on Dealing with Families affected by Poverty

The nationwide FRÖBEL symposium took place today at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Lord Mayor Mike Schubert and FRÖBEL Managing Director Stefan Spieker opened the event.
Under the title "Participation for all? Dealing with families affected by poverty in daycare centres", educational professionals and specialists from daycare centre social work, parent and family counselling and early help came together to exchange views on the hot topic of child poverty through presentations and joint discussions.
Prof. Dr. Christoph Butterwegge (University of Cologne) gave a lecture on the consequences of poverty in families.
Nina Stahr, Member of the Bundestag (education policy spokesperson for the B'90/The Greens parliamentary group), Annette Berg (SPI Foundation); Prof. Christoph Butterwegge and Stefan Spieker/Alexandra Mebus-Haarhoff (FRÖBEL) discussed the topic of "Strengthening educational opportunities, but how?".
Prof. Dr. Tanja Salem (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam) analysed the role of management in creating educational equality in early education. Other workshops and discussions focussed on action strategies such as "Early help in daycare centres for neglected children" or the work of socio-educational family support.
The aim of the symposium was to raise awareness of this topic and to develop concrete ways for all children and families to participate in daycare centres.
FRÖBEL is Germany's largest supra-regional non-profit provider of crèches, kindergartens and after-school care centres with offices in several federal states. FRÖBEL stands for a society in which all children have equal opportunities; the educational work of the organisation actively promotes development and self-education processes.