Press release
3rd Building Culture Dialogue in the Series "Living Building Culture and Climate Protection"

"Baukultur-Dialogue – Baukultur und Klimaschutz leben" is a three-part series of events as part of the Baukultur Year Brandenburg 2023. It is embedded in the profile line Design-Build-Preserve of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and takes place in cooperation with Kulturland Brandenburg, the Förderverein Baukultur Brandenburg, the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects, the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers and the Berlin-Brandenburg Association of Architects and Engineers. Current and upcoming changes in building culture in the context of climate protection will be discussed.
The third and final event in the series is dedicated to the topic of "Creating Liveable Centres – The Backbone of an environmentally friendly Building Culture". The continuation of the dialogue series will be presented on the 14th of June 2023 in the Theaterwerkstatt of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and via livestream. Registration is requested, admission is free.
The first event took place on 17th of May, the recording of the 1st Baukultur Dialogue can be viewed here.
The second event took place on 31st of May, the recording of the 2nd Baukultur Dialogue can be viewed here.
Creating Liveable Centres – The Backbone of an environmentally friendly Building Culture
Registration, livestream and continuous updating of the programme at:
The attractiveness and vitality of city and town centres are also the focus of political attention in Berlin and Brandenburg. Centres should be developed into identity-forming places for living, culture, business and work. However, they are also a key factor in climate adaptation, as dense construction reduces heating requirements, shortens distances and allows energy sources to be shared. Attractive city and town centres are therefore also one of the prerequisites for better connections to the local public transport network in Berlin and Brandenburg, as is intended with the i2030 rail transport project and the current regional transport plan – the number of passengers on local trains in Brandenburg is set to double by 2030. So without attractive centres there can be no transport transition and without a transport transition there can be no climate protection.
We ask ourselves: How can the development of the centres be strengthened programmatically and suburbanisation slowed down? What does the "New Leipzig Charter" mean for Brandenburg? Where are exemplary things already happening in Brandenburg's centres? And how can we prepare our future graduates at the university for the maintenance and revitalisation of the centres?
The event will take place in the theatre workshop of the FH Potsdam and will also be streamed live and recorded.
Rudolf Spindler and Hannah Höpfner
Stefan Bruch, Ministry for Infrastructure and Regional Planning of the State of Brandenburg, Head of Department II Urban Development and Housing
The historic city is absolutely modern. Five reasons.
Prof. em. Dr. Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, ETH Zurich
Berlin-Brandenburg and its centres
Prof. em. Dr. Harald Bodenschatz, TU Berlin
"Model city" Luckenwalde
Elisabeth Herzog-von der Heide, Mayor of the City of Luckenwalde
Creating liveable centres in the town of Wittenberge
Dr. Oliver Hermann, Mayor of the town of Wittenberge (Prignitz)
Closing remarks
Prof. Dr. Silvia Malcovati and Prof. Dr. Markus Tubbesing
For decades, building legislation, the construction industry and vocational training have primarily focussed on new buildings. However, in view of the high consumption of energy and land, climate-damaging emissions and the huge volume of waste, a reorientation is unavoidable. Instead of demolition and new construction, the focus is shifting to repair, conversion and further construction, the rediscovery of resource-saving building materials and construction techniques and the densification of our city and village centres. In order to provide scientific support for these necessary developments, the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has founded the profile line Design–Build–Preserve. The profile line's dialogue on building culture uses keynote speeches and practical examples to ask the following questions together with guests from politics, construction practice, academia and students: Where do funding programmes and building laws need to be adapted so that a new culture of continued building can emerge? What innovations are needed to transform the construction industry? And what can we do in university teaching to accelerate a transformation?
When: Wednesday, the 14th of June 2023, 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm. followed by an aperitif
Where: Theatre workshop in the main building of the university of applied sciences
Kiepenheuerallee 5, 14469 Potsdam
and in the livestream
Registration is required, admission is free.
The Baukultur Dialogues take place in cooperation with Kulturland Brandenburg, the Förderverein Baukultur Brandenburg, the Brandenburg Chamber of Architects, the Brandenburg Chamber of Engineers and the Architekten- und Ingenieurverein zu Berlin-Brandenburg.