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Interdisciplinary at the Monument

Transfer, innovative methods and research-based learning in practical projects for the preservation of the cultural heritage of Uzbekistan

Symbolbild Usbekistan Architektur
Teaching project
Cooperation partners:
  • Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Bukhara State University
  • Samarkand State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
DAAD within the framework of the "Eastern Partnerships" programme line

The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam has long-standing relations with Uzbekistan and cooperates with the Tashkent University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Bukhara State University and Samarkand State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering in the DAAD-funded project "Interdisciplinary at the Monument - Transfer, Innovative Methods and Research-Based Learning in Practical Projects for the Preservation of Uzbekistan's Cultural Heritage".

The immediate goals of this exemplary project are the care and preservation of the architectural world cultural heritage as well as a deepened cooperation of all partners involved in research and teaching, studies and further education. In addition, the project aims to lay the foundations for further cooperation in the further development of existing and the development of new, coordinated research and study formats in the subject areas of architecture and urban planning, monument preservation, civil engineering, building preservation and building in the existing fabric as well as conservation and restoration. The planned measures include (in addition to scholarships for mobility and stays) a jointly conducted summer school in Uzbekistan at a selected monument object, at which German students and a larger number of Uzbek students from the three partner universities are to be enabled to become acquainted with common approaches to a monument, to practise various research and measurement methods and to interpret and evaluate the results obtained. Finally, a network conference between all partner universities will document the transfer of results and methods and make them accessible to a wider public.

The project "Interdisciplinary at the Monument" is funded by the DAAD in the programme line "Eastern Partnerships". The Eastern Partnership Programme strengthens and promotes partnership relations between German universities and universities in Central Eastern, Eastern and South Eastern Europe as well as the countries of the South Caucasus and Central Asia. The programme aims to consolidate existing and initiate new permanent partnerships between German higher education institutions and higher education institutions in the target region as well as to achieve broad-based cooperation in teaching and research, thus contributing to the internationalisation of German and foreign higher education institutions.


Project management

Prof. Dr. Steffen Laue
Professor of Natural Sciences in the Conservation and Restoration programme