Press release
Inaugural lecture by Prof Dr Jan Thiele

To mark his appointment as Honorary Professor of Planning and Environmental Law at the Department of Civil Engineering, Prof Dr Jan Thiele will give his inaugural lecture entitled "(Scurrile) Hindernisse und 'Genehmigungs-Turbo' beim Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energien - ein Blick in den Maschinenraum der Energiewende".
Following the decision to phase out lignite-fired power generation and the shutdown of the last nuclear power plants, it is clear that the electricity required in Germany will in future be generated by renewable energies, primarily wind turbines and ground-mounted photovoltaic systems. The federal legislator has stipulated this in the Renewable Energy Sources Act. According to this, the installed capacity of onshore wind turbines, for example, is to be increased to 69 gigawatts in 2024, 84 gigawatts in 2026, 99 gigawatts in 2028, 115 gigawatts in 2030, 157 gigawatts in 2035 and 160 gigawatts in 2040.
In order for this statutory expansion path to be adhered to, projects must be implemented more quickly. However, the engine is still stuttering. There are many reasons for this: "resistance" on the ground, bureaucratic hurdles and lengthy approval procedures as well as a high willingness to sue continue to delay projects. The reasons for rejecting approvals often seem bizarre, as is demonstrated by examples.
In order to remove the obstacles, the federal legislator wants to ignite the "approval turbo" for wind energy. The innovation is intended to allow certain installations, including wind turbines, to be built and converted more quickly in Germany in future. To this end, the Federal Immission Control Act is being amended - a law that affects all installations that cause noise or have other potentially harmful effects on the environment.
The consequences of the amendment are considerable: for applicants, things will - hopefully - go faster; for authorities, the law contains liability-laden acceleration requirements.
Prof. Dr Jan Thiele will talk about these topics and discuss them with those present.
Personal details
Prof. Dr Jan Thiele was born in 1975 in Halle (Saale), Saxony-Anhalt. After graduating from high school, he began his law studies at the University of Potsdam, which he completed in 2001 with the first state examination in law. This was followed two years later by the second state examination in law.
He continued his academic career in 2010 with a doctorate at the University of Potsdam. He has been working as a lawyer since 2009 and qualified as a specialist lawyer for administrative law in 2021. Since 2024, he has held the position of Honorary Professor of Environmental and Planning Law in the Department of Civil Engineering at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences.
Inaugural lecture
When: 18.11.2024, 18:00
Where: House D / 011
Online: Zoom link to the inaugural lecture
The inaugural lecture is open to the public, will take place in presence and will be broadcast live in parallel. Interested parties are welcome to attend. There will be a small reception after the lecture.