Press release
AIV Schinkel Competition "über:morgen": FHP Students honoured with Special Prizes

The winners of the 169th AIV Schinkel Competition have been announced. Architecture students from the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) are among the honoured works. They received two of this year's special prizes.
The Architects' and Engineers' Association of Berlin-Brandenburg (AIV) organised the competition entitled "über:morgen". 104 entries were received from young planners, 13 of which were honoured. The award ceremony took place – as it does every year – on the 13th of March, the birthday of Karl Friedrich Schinkel.
Jan Schwaiger was honoured for his project "Shelter" with the special prize for monuments and craftsmanship, donated by the Association of Restorers in the Craft Trades.
Marvin Winkens, Manuel Rademaker, Ida Steffen and Jan Schwartz received the special prize for innovation for their design "Berliner Küchen", donated by the Verband der Privaten Bauherren e.V. (Association of Private Building Owners).
The Schinkel Competition is one of the best-known and oldest German awards for young talent. Prize money totalling 35,000 euros was awarded this year.
Gesche Gerber, Chairwoman of the AIV Schinkel Committee: "Learning from yesterday today in order to improve tomorrow and think ahead. That is our theme. In the 200th anniversary year of the AIV, the Schinkel competition offered freedom to answer the most pressing questions. Climate change, scarcity of resources, social change and the mobility transition are just some of the issues that planners have to deal with today. The competition invited entries to develop approaches, strategies and realisable plans for dealing with these challenges and to make proposals for a liveable city of the future. The entries were required to demonstrate exemplary and conceptual quality as well as far-sighted, responsible planning behaviour."
AIV Schinkel Competition
The AIV Schinkel Competition has a long tradition and was first organised in 1852 among members of the association. Since then, young architects, engineers and artists in nine specialist fields (urban planning, architecture, landscape architecture, art and building, structural engineering, supply and disposal technology, road construction and traffic engineering, railway construction, hydraulic engineering) have been set tasks in this competition year after year with the aim of challenging their creativity and imagination to solve future-oriented planning tasks.
A Schinkel Prize is awarded in each specialist field for outstanding technical and scientific achievements in civil engineering that either document the successful interaction of various technical and scientific disciplines or are particularly characterised as individual achievements through the exemplary balancing of subject-specific and overarching concerns.
The award-winning works from the Schinkel competition can be viewed daily from 9 am to 8 pm until the 26th of March at the Berlin University of the Arts, transverse gallery of the UdK foyer, Hardenbergstr. 33, 10623 Berlin.
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