Media are supposed to mediate. Because they are constantly gaining in importance with new technologies and cultural practices, the degree programme european media studies is based on a broad concept of media. It encompasses a variety of media techniques and practices - with an international perspective and a focus on European cultural, media and legal spaces. As a cooperative degree programme of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Potsdam, the programme combines aesthetic-theoretical and cultural-historical knowledge with practical media technology and design. The cooperation between two different types of universities creates innovative knowledge and teaching cultures with a high proportion of projects.
European Media Studies (BA)
6 semesters
until 15/07 at the University of Potsdam (admission restricted)
180 ECTS credits
One degree programme, two universities!
In the Bachelor's degree programme european media studies (EMW), you will acquire basic competences for the analysis, design and criticism of media as well as content-related cultural management. The training is both practical (through an introduction to digital design techniques as well as format and concept project development) and theoretical (in the areas of media theory, media art, media culture history, forms of media staging, among others). The high proportion of project work in the degree programme and an integrated internship enable a comprehensive qualification. The University of Potsdam and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam run the Bachelor's and Master's degree programme in european media studies jointly and on an equal footing. This form of cooperation between university and university of applied sciences is unique in Germany.
In the degree programme in european media wtudies, you will learn to understand media both in their cultural conditionality and their cultural effects and to react to them in a practical way, as well as to competently analyse and evaluate culture and media in Europe You will deal with the history of media from a cultural studies perspective competently with media and cultural theories, reflect on creative and artistic processes and critically examine media content and forms. As a graduate, they are also able to creatively conceive, design and present media formats, as well as realise their own projects and confidently deal with the constantly changing demands in the media sector.
Further information on the website of the EMW degree programme
Is this degree programme right for me?
For the study of european media studies, you should not only have an interest in media in a current and historical context as well as in cultural and art history, but also be prepared to think beyond a concept of media that is apparative or shaped by the mass media themselves.
You bring these qualities with you
- Enjoyment of media, culture, art, history and theory
- Independence and curiosity
- Interest in research, argumentation and discussion
- Creativity and enjoyment of design
- Enjoying the combination of practice and theory
- Desire for experimental work in small groups
- Good knowledge of foreign languages, especially English
Podcast of the Campus Specialists
Jana and Nicola study european media studies and, as campus specialists, inform prospective students about their degree programme. In the podcast, they share their personal impressions of student life and their studies.
The colleagues at the student couselling service provide information to prospective students, first-year students, parents, teachers and students on all general questions about studying. For specific questions and concerns about the degree programme european media studies please contact the subject counselling service.
Subject Counselling Service University of Potsdam
Dr Susanne Müller
University of Potsdam
European Media Studies
Institute for Arts and Media
Campus Neues Palais, House 1/Room 1.01.110
49 331 977-4172
Please send enquiries and appointments by e-mail.
These degree programmes might also interest you
More coursesDepartment | Degree programme | Teaching language | Start of study | Application deadline |
Communication Design (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)
Design (MA) | German | Summer semester, Winter semester | 15/06 – 15/08 and 05/02 – 02/03 (restricted admission)
Registration for the qualifying examination: by 15/06 for the winter semester / by 15/12 for the summer semester
European Media Studies (BA) | German | Winter semester | until 15/07 at the University of Potsdam (admission restricted)
European Media Studies (MA) | German | Winter semester | until 01/06 at the University of Potsdam
Interface Design (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/06 – 15/07 (free of admission)
Product Design (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/06 - 15/07 (free of admission)
Career Prospects
Career Prospects
The functions and forms of the media are in a constant process of change, the work requirements in the media field are constantly changing. The study of european media studies is not oriented towards a specific professional field, but enables you in particular to quickly and competently master new tasks and requirements in order to be able to use your skills in different areas. The focus in the study of european media studies is furthermore on teaching basic competences for the analysis, design and criticism of the media and insights into cultural management.
Perspectives in the field of media
The degree programme european media studies imparts the theoretical and practical basics that are relevant when working in the following professional fields:
- Publishing houses and print media (feature pages, media-specific and academic programmes)
- Radio and television (editing, conception and criticism)
- Internet and hypermedia (online editors)
- Curatorial work (e.g. at festivals, in museums)
- Editing for media-aesthetic fields (film and video production)
- professions in advertising
- International cultural management (development of material and ideas for "media events" and their staging)
- Media production (format development and format analysis)
- Media service providers
- Independent media activities
Master's programme
The focus of the Master's programme in european media studies is on current research in the field of cultural and media studies. In addition to fundamental questions about theories, histories and manifestations of the medial, the advanced study programme is also dedicated to the conceptual strategies related to these very questions.
These degree programmes might also interest you
More coursesDepartment | Degree programme | Teaching language | Start of study | Application deadline |
Communication Design (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)
Design (MA) | German | Summer semester, Winter semester | 15/06 – 15/08 and 05/02 – 02/03 (restricted admission)
Registration for the qualifying examination: by 15/06 for the winter semester / by 15/12 for the summer semester
European Media Studies (BA) | German | Winter semester | until 15/07 at the University of Potsdam (admission restricted)
European Media Studies (MA) | German | Winter semester | until 01/06 at the University of Potsdam
Interface Design (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/06 – 15/07 (free of admission)
Product Design (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/06 - 15/07 (free of admission)
Study Content
Course of studies
The standard period of study for the full-time degree programme European Media Studies is six semesters and concludes with a Bachelor of Arts degree.
Semester 1 – 2 | Compulsory modules |
Semester 3 – 4 | Compulsory modules, interdisciplinary supplementary studies |
Semester 5 | Compulsory modules, interdisciplinary supplementary studies, free project work |
Semester 6 |
Interdisciplinary supplementary studies, internship, research colloquium, Bachelor's thesis |
At the centre of the three-year Bachelor's programme, which consists of theory and practical seminars, is the teaching of basic skills for the analysis, design and critique of media processes, including cultural economics. Learn more about the study structure of the european media studies degree programmes.
Study Content
A detailed description of the course contents, study plans and descriptions of individual modules of the degree programme european media studies can be found in the subject-specific regulations of the University of Potsdam as well as in the course catalogue of the degree programme.
Teaching formats
The Bachelor's degree programme in european media studies consists of theoretical as well as practical parts, which are taught in lectures, seminars and project exercises and are worked on independently. In addition to written-discursive techniques, the focus in the degree programme is primarily on project work.
- Seminars
- Projects
- Lectures
- Colloquia
- Excursions
- Project week
Compulsory modules
- Introduction to Media Cultural Studies
- Technical and creative foundations of digital media
- Media law and cultural economics
- European cultural history and media cultural history
- Media art
- Theories, forms and histories of knowledge
- Medial forms of staging
- Concepts and forms of media design
- Media projects
Interdisciplinary Complementary Studies
- Deepening depending on the area of interest for individual focal points
Free project work (supervised)
The aim of the project module is to develop and carry out initial small research projects or independent projects.
In the course of your studies, you will complete an internship of at least six weeks in a practical field of european media studies. If you are aiming for a Master's degree in european media studies after your Bachelor's degree, an eight-week internship with a foreign connection is recommended.
During the last semester, you will write your Bachelor's thesis and will be accompanied in the process by a research colloquium.
Application & Contact
Contact & Services
Further information and contacts at the University of Potsdam can be found on the website of the EMW programme.
Contact for application
University of Potsdam
Department of Student Affairs
Student Secretariats
Am Neuen Palais 10, House 8
14469 Potsdam
Subject Counselling Service University of Potsdam
Dr Susanne Müller
University of Potsdam
European Media Studies
Institute for Arts and Media
Campus Neues Palais, House 1/Room 1.01.110
+49 331 977-4172
Please send enquiries and appointments by e-mail.
Study and Examination Service
Study Info Service
Study Service
Exam Service
Family Affairs Commissioner
Office hours
Tue and Thu 9.30 am – 1.30 pm
Commissioner for University Employees with Impairment
Office hours
by arrangement