Press release
'Science ship' sets sail – Reception for new Appointments in the State of Brandenburg

Brandenburg's Minister of Science Dr. Manja Schüle and State Secretary Tobias Dünow welcomed the newly appointed professors from the eight state universities as well as the winners of the State Teaching Prize and the Postdoc Prize on the MS Belvedere, which temporarily became the 'Science Ship 2023'.
The attendees were also welcomed by Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, President of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and Chairwoman of the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents, Prof. Dr. Susanne Stürmer, President of the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and Vice-Chairwoman of the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents, and Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich, Member of the Hasso Plattner Institute Management Board.
Science Minister Dr. Manja Schüle: "Once again this year, it's time to cast off for our science ship! I am delighted to once again meet so many newly appointed professors and researchers who have been honoured with postdoctoral or state teaching awards! With their impulses, innovations and ideas, they are all helping to keep Brandenburg's science alive and on course for the future! And staying on course is more important than ever in times of populism and 'fake news'. This requires strong universities and scientific institutions with free research and open debate - as places of encounter, as international bridge builders, as a strong voice in public discourse. Many thanks to the Hasso Plattner Institute and the universities that support our science ship! This is how we do things in Brandenburg: pragmatically, together, well!"
Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, President of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and Chairwoman of the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents, addressed the invited professors and researchers: "Today's reception is a wonderful platform for exchange and networking. With every new encounter, every conversation and every inspiring idea, we strengthen the foundation of knowledge in Brandenburg. In your various roles, whether in your courses, at conferences or in your scientific institutes, you have the opportunity to play a key role in shaping the future of our state. We are firmly convinced that your expertise and enthusiasm will have a lasting and positive impact on the state of Brandenburg. Welcome on board!"
Prof. Dr. Susanne Stürmer, President of the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF and Vice-Chairwoman of the Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents: "The response from our new appointees last year was consistently positive. Networking with colleagues from other universities in Brandenburg right at the start, but also getting to know the other new members of your own university on a relaxed evening against the unique backdrop of Potsdam, is a successful start that will have a lasting effect. If you can already talk about a tradition in the second year, this is a very nice one."
Prof. Dr. Tobias Friedrich, member of the Hasso Plattner Institute's Executive Board: "A ship is a special place for scientific networking. And from our point of view, it is particularly well suited for this. Because at sea and in IT, networks, co-operation and partnership play a major role. We at HPI are therefore very pleased to support the science ship - and thus promote exchange between researchers in Brandenburg."
The reception on the 'Science Ship' took place for the first time last year and is intended to emphasise the appreciation and importance of the work of both the newly appointed and the scientific award winners. Since last year, a total of around 70 professors have been newly appointed and six academics and researchers have been honoured with the State Teaching Award or the Postdoc Award.
The Brandenburg State Conference of University Presidents (BLHP) is an association of the ten state universities in the state of Brandenburg. It promotes cooperation between the universities in the fields of education and science and deals with overarching higher education policy issues.