Lawyer and Start-Up Consultant Harald Keil in the Podcast Gründungsgeist Berlin-Brandenburg

"It always depends on the individual case": In this episode of "Gründungsgeist Berlin-Brandenburg", Harald Keil explains why this typical lawyer's phrase is nothing but the truth, even in the context of start-ups.
Harald Keil is truly a unique asset to the FHP start-up service: The IT and media law professional is a lawyer and start-up coach in one.
In the podcast with Doreen Löwe, the lawyer explains how he became an expert for universities in the creative sector, how he helps founders avoid falling into typical legal traps and why even the strangest start-up ideas deserve a chance. After all, one of his basic recommendations for founders is: "The most important thing is not to let them take the fun out of it."
Editing & production: Doreen Löwe
Editing & sound: Andrej Tschitschil