Further Education Programme "Trauma Pedagogy" starts for the first time at the FH Potsdam

On the 2nd of December 2022, the further education course "Trauma Pedagogy" will start for the first time at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. The essential skills are taught in six modules.
In residential child and youth welfare facilities – but also in daycare centres, schools, youth leisure facilities or when working with refugees – professionals are faced with the challenge of being a counterpart to people with often highly stressful biographical experiences. Professionals should enable these people to experience reliable bonds over time, (re)find support and structure and be able to categorise their own life story.
The current global situation and the associated migration movements once again emphasise that the need for professionals trained in trauma education will continue to increase in the future. The in-service training course "Trauma Pedagogy " under the academic direction of Prof. Dr. Alexandra Schmidt-Wenzel teaches the attitude and professional skills required to support those affected and act in a self-caring manner.
The course is aimed at social workers, teachers, educators and other practitioners with relevant experience of working with highly stressed children, young people, their parents and carers, as well as adults.
The course is currently fully booked, but interested parties can put their names on the waiting list (contact: Stephanie Teichler).