A brief Introduction: Prof. Dr. Peter Heisig

Prof. Dr. Peter Heisig on his career aspirations as a child and what he always wanted to write down.
Peter Heisig (born in Hameln an der Weser)
Professor of Information and Knowledge Management / Department of Information Sciences
As a child I wanted to be ...
I have been working at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam since ...
October 2015
I chose the University of Applied Sciences because ...
I am passionate about the efficient use of knowledge in organisations of all kinds and, as professors, we enjoy the great privilege of being able to choose our research topics.
My colleagues appreciate ...
my organisational talent.
I never leave the house without ...
a mobile device or something to read.
I've always wanted to ...
write down my experiences - now from over 35 years – in knowledge management in many different organisations or – perhaps better today: prepare and pass them on in a digital learning and transfer environment.