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Research Seminar on the Impact Orientation of Science

Dunkelgründer Hintergrund mit "Woche der Wirkung" Titel, daneben grafische Elemente in Hellgrün und Rosa
© InNoWest HNEE Corinna Hartwig

This research seminar brings together three approaches to impact orientation and looks at questions such as how impacts can be determined and how project effects can be made visible.

Colleges and universities often work together with other social factors. Transdisciplinary research focuses on developing questions with regard to social challenges and by involving non-scientific stakeholders. It is not only in these projects that the questions arise as to what remains and what was initiated by the project work.

This research seminar brings together three approaches to impact orientation and considers, among other things, the questions of how impact can be determined, how impact orientation can be integrated into projects and what ways there are to make the effects visible.

The seminar will be held in German and English.

Speakers: Prof. Dr. Dr. Martina Schäfer (TU Berlin); Dr. Kathryn Watson (University of Leeds); Dr. Christoph Köller (Görgen & Köller)


  • 2.00 pm – 2.10 pm: Greetings from the President Eva Schmitt-Rondermund
  • 2.10 pm – 3.00 pm: Introduction and short presentations of approaches to impact assessment (German/English)
  • 3.15 pm – 4.15 pm: Parallel sessions on the three approaches (Three groups with the respective speakers. Groups will be formed during the event).
  • 4.30 pm – 5.30 pm: Final discussion (German/English)

Please note that registration is required in advance.

We look forward to the exchange!

The event is organised at the IaF as part of the joint project InNoWest - Einfach machen! Further information on the "Week of Impact" can be found here: InNoWest – Week of Impact.

Target audience: Professional audience Lecturers Public

13/02/2025, 2.00 pm – 5.30 pm

Please register by 21/01/2025 via this DFN link:

Location: House D
Room: 011

Contact us

Project Coordinator InNoWest