Forming Society

The research focus "Forming Society" examines individual and social behaviour as well as participation and involvement in order to enable people to actively and responsibly shape the future.
How can we initiate and shape sustainable transformation processes with education?
Societies today are facing growing and urgent challenges, both globally and regionally.
The profile line "Forming Society" focuses on cohesion, education and design processes for the world of tomorrow and develops research, teaching and transfer for the analysis and solution of social and spatial issues.
Since the last third of the 20th century, a fundamental change in socialisation processes has been discernible. In addition to developments in individualisation, drifting income and education levels and the resulting social inequality are proving to be obstacles to social cohesion.
"Forming Society" examines the field of tension between individual-centred and community-oriented forms of life and addresses framework conditions such as social and regional transformations of established urban development processes.
With application-oriented research strategies, the profile line explores the question of how civil society, aesthetic, welfare state, economic and municipal actors can be strengthened. In doing so, methods of Citizen Science are tested in order to elicit potentials for diversity, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and inclusion.
One focus is on early education in heterogeneous relationship and developmental contexts: The Potsdam Research Institute for Early Learning & Educational Action (PINA) is an interdisciplinary research association of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Potsdam for early childhood education research.
It is a platform for exchange between research and practice on questions of professional interaction quality in daycare centres, complemented by attachment- and relationship-oriented perspectives in empirical educational research.
Strategies of reflection
Complementary to the aforementioned focal points, the profile line is dedicated to strategies of reflection as a cause for actively shaping transformation and participation processes. Due to the omnipresence of the media and the mediation of the world through the media, the experience of the world today is characterised by a multitude of different realities.
Artistic-research approaches strengthen society's ability to deal with plurality, heterogeneity, differences and contradictions. "Forming society" thus becomes a process of exploration, reflection and shaping of open spaces of possibility.

Potsdam Research Institute for Early Learning and Educational Action
The Potsdam Research Institute for Early Learning and Educational Action (PINA) was founded in May 2017 as a joint interdisciplinary research network of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the University of Potsdam. In the network, scientists in the early childhood education research group and external scientists deal with basic and application-oriented questions of child development and educational processes.
PINA is an integral part of the research infrastructure of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and is to be transformed into a cross-university research institute in the coming years.
Lighthouse projects
WIM - Female Scientists in Media
Opportunities and challenges for women through the digital expansion of traditional science communication
Discomfort with History? Dealing with Contemporary Antisemitism and Right-Wing Extremism at Memorial Sites
The qualitative study is interested in finding out how current antisemitism and right-wing extremism manifest themselves in memorials and what challenges and needs arise from this.
BIKA – Participation in Daycare Everyday Life
BiKA is a joint research project of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and the Research and Development Institute PädQUIS®, affiliated institute of the ASH Berlin and cooperating institute of the University of Graz. The study was developed jointly and is carried out under joint responsibility. It is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.
CoAct – Co-designing Citizen Social Science for Collective Action
The EU research project "CoAct" pursues an innovative approach to participatory citizen research. The focus is on the further development of a Citizen Social Science (CSS) and its research methods. CoAct is funded by the European Commission's Horizon 2020 program under the call "SwafS-15-2018-2019 - Exploring and supporting citizen science"
Day of the profile line 2023
On 26 April 2023, the first Profile Line Day "Forming Society" took place. The event offered members of the university the opportunity to gain an interdisciplinary insight into the interdisciplinary programme, to get to know current projects and to exchange ideas with colleagues and students. In addition to scientific content and exciting research projects, researchers, teachers, staff and students of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam were also able to explore the associated laboratories, labs and workshops.
Study programmes in the profile line "Forming Society"
Weitere StudiengängeDepartment | Degree programme | Teaching language | Start of study | Application deadline |
Archival Sciences (MA) | German | Winter semester | 22/05 – 30/06/ in odd-numbered calendar years (admission restricted)
Archival Studies (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/06 – 15/08 (free of admission)
Arts Management and Cultural Work (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission) | Dates of the selection interviews: 27/06 – 28/06 und 18/07 – 19/07
Childhood Studies and Children's Rights (MA) | English | Winter semester | Note: This degree programme will no longer be offered from winter semester 2024/25
Communication Design (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)
Design (MA) | German | Summer semester, Winter semester | 15/06 – 15/08 and 05/02 – 02/03 (restricted admission)
Registration for the qualifying examination: by 15/06 for the winter semester / by 15/12 for the summer semester
Early Childhood Education (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15.05. – 15.07. (admission restricted)
Early Childhood Studies (MA) | German | Winter semester | 15/06 – 15/10 (free of admission)
European Media Studies (BA) | German | Winter semester | until 15/07 at the University of Potsdam (admission restricted)
European Media Studies (MA) | German | Winter semester | until 01/06 at the University of Potsdam
Library Sciences (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/06 – 15/08 (free of admission)
MA Social Work with a Focus on the Family | German | Winter semester | 15.05. – 22.06. (NC degree program)
Social Management (MA) | German | Summer semester | Note: This course of study will no longer be offered from winter semester 2024/25.
Social Work (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/05 – 15/07 (restricted admission)
Social Work | Dual-Digital (BA) | German | Winter semester | 15/06 – 15/08 (free of admission)
Social Work | Part-time Distance Learning Study Programme (BA) | German | Summer semester | 15/12 –15/01 (admission restricted)
Urban Futures (MA) | German | Winter semester | 15/05 – 15/06 (restricted admission)