Drängende Gegenwart – Photography as a Research Tool
The exhibition showed photographic works that dealt with the societal and social challenges of the present day. It was on display from the 12th of July until the 8th of September 2023 at the Brandenburg State Parliament in Potsdam.

In times of hyper-intelligence, wars and climate crisis, what are the topics we want to work on photographically? How can we use photography to explore, investigate and find out something new about the world we live in? How can we tell foreign and our own stories, increase knowledge, question things, share experiences and or awaken mutual understanding?
Drängende Gegenwart – Fotografie als Forschungsinstrument is an exhibition by the department of Design of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and will be shown from the 12nd July to the 8th September 2023 in the Brandenburg State Parliament in Potsdam. The exhibition features photographic works by students of the Design Department, who have creatively explored the topic in the past two semesters as part of a course taught by Professor Wiebke Loeper.
Drängende Gegenwart reflects the massive social and societal changes and challenges shaped by the collision of multiple crises. From the state of shock in the Oderbruch after the fish died or stories from the neighourhood to utopian questions of freedom, community and our responsibility for the planet, the students approach the different topics creatively, each with their own means and methods.
The exhibition conceived for the Brandenburg State Parliament gives younger photographers a voice and a place – especially to the generation that is particularly affected by the social changes and existential crises of the present.
This selection of works follows the exhibition of the same name for the European Month of Photography in Berlin (02/03/2023 – 31/03/2023), which was initiated by Maren Lübke-Tidow, the artistic director of EMOP.
With works by: Mohadese Beykzand | Stephanie Hagenstein | Ronja Heeland | Katharina Geist | Paula Kalinowski | Nicolas Kawohl | Nele Kontny | Jeannie-Darlene Köppe | Michaela Maier | Simon Naudé | Monique Petermann | Larissa Pütz | Benjamin Ressi | Martin Zerr
Exhibition concept: Prof. Wiebke Loeper and Birte Rauch
Transfer service: Ulrike Weichelt, ZEFT, FH Potsdam