Cultural Change in Jurisprudence (KidRewi)
Reflection on legal publishing practice and support for cultural change using the example of legal, independent publications

Compared to other academic fields, open access publishing is less well established in law. This is where the project "Kulturwandel in der Rechtswissenschaft (KidRewi)" comes into play. For the field of law, focussing on the academic practice of independent legal publication (e.g. anthologies, law commentaries, textbooks), it aims to promote the reflection on current practice required for a cultural change and to accompany the cultural change.
Iterative and agile processes will be used to investigate which specific measures and incentives can induce cultural change and how the institutionalisation of self-sustaining open access structures for independent legal publications within the publication workflows at universities can succeed.
For this purpose, asynchronous competence modules for open science publishing in law as OER will also be developed to ensure that authors in law can empower themselves and acquire the media skills required for open access publication.
The project focuses on the concretisation of the requirements for an open access publication infrastructure for different book formats in law. This concretisation is based on the current state of knowledge regarding the recognition of Open Access and its effects on academic careers in law. Prototype solutions and measures will be developed, evaluated and adapted in collaboration with the OpenRewi network and academic infrastructure partners. At the end of the project, revised concepts will be ready for direct implementation.

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Project management
- Jonas Hantow
- Philipp Falkenburg
- Dr. Antonia Paula Herm, LL.M., MA (LIS)
- Yan Heinemann (Student Assistant)