Getting to know each other and celebrating the new Master's Degrees

The degree programme offered by the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin honoured its graduates for the second time last weekend at a summer party.
In summer temperatures of over 30 degrees, 50 invited guests celebrated the new Master's degrees. The programme directors Prof. Dr. Heike Neuroth and Prof. Vivien Petras, PhD, congratulated the graduates. Almost 80% of the second cohort completed their studies in the 4th semester and did so with above-average grades.
After honouring the graduates, both programme directors invited them to a toast. "There are already exactly 100 enrolments in DDM. We are delighted to have met so many students in the meantime," said Professor Neuroth, welcoming the guests in the ballroom of the Institute of Library and Information Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
Henriette Senst, Director of Information Infrastructures, German Archaeological Institute, gave an entertaining and contemporary lecture on the subject of administrative data . The keynote speech seemed so inspiring that it was still being discussed at the closing dinner.
Alumni presented their final theses as highlights of the evening. This clearly showed how heterogeneous and diverse the selection of topics was.
The Master's degree programme in Digital Data Management (DDM ) expands the range of high-profile library and information science degree programmes at HU Berlin and FH Potsdam with a specialised and innovative focus on digital data management. The four-semester programme starts each year in the summer semester. The modules are designed as independent and self-contained continuing education courses and can be booked individually; registrations are accepted on an ongoing basis. The central coordination and realisation is carried out by the Central Institution for Continuing Education (ZEW) at the FH Potsdam. Detailed information can be found on the programme website.