Press and Public Relations at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
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University of Applied Sciences Potsdam appoints first transfer professors
The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) was the first university of applied sciences in Brandenburg to introduce transfer professorships in order to strengthen the transfer of knowledge and technology between science and practice. This innovative model enables professors to focus more on co…
Press release
New further education programme "Systemic organisational transformation" starts in autumn 2025
Shaping change processes in organisations innovatively and implementing them sustainably: With the new continuing education programme "Systemic Organisational Transformation", the Central Institution for Continuing Education (ZEW) at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences offers specialists and…
Press release
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and S&P company cluster sign cooperation agreement to promote science and practice
University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FH Potsdam) and the S&P company cluster have signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement. The aim of the partnership is to develop innovative solutions for current and future challenges in the fields of construction, architecture and digitalisation through…
Press release
Start for SeDOA consortium: University of Applied Sciences Potsdam involved in DFG-funded national service centre for Diamond Open Access
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the establishment of a national service centre for Diamond Open Access (SeDOA) in order to strengthen the German infrastructure for scientific open access publications and improve international networking. The aim of the project is to further expand…
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