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From Theory to Practice: Projects at the FH Potsdam at a Glance

Here you will find a current overview of selected projects at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. You can filter the projects by departments and degree programs, by project type, or by content focus.

    navel facial expressions

    Human-Robot Interaction in Social Robotics

    The aim of the project, which is subsidised by the European Regional Development Fund, is to set up an interdisciplinary test and experimental environment for social robots.

    Illustration zeigt zwei symbolhafte Köpfe mit Augen, die sich anschauen und je eine Sprechblase über dem Kopf haben. Diese Sprechblasen sind geformt wie Puzzleteile, die sich passend zusammensetzen lassen.

    VEStOR: Networking, Expansion, Strengthening of the OER Community OpenRewi

    VEStOR expands and strengthens OpenRewi e. V., so far the only community for open legal education materials in law, which aims to promote the breakthrough of open teaching and learning materials in legal studies.

    Illustration einer Wolke, die die Zahlen Null und Eins umschließt. Ein Papierflieger fliegt auf die Wolke zu.

    WiNoDa: Knowledge Laboratory for Scientific Collections and Object-Centred Data

    The WiNoDa project is establishing a data competence centre for data-driven research on natural science collections.

    Illustration zeigt zwei Vorhängeschlösser, links ist das Schloss verschlossen, auf der rechten Seite geöffnet, ein Pfeil zeigt auf das geöffnete Schloss.

    Cultural Change in Jurisprudence (KidRewi)

    Reflection on legal publishing practice and support for cultural change using the example of legal, independent publications

    Logo des Projekts SmartUpLab – im Untertitel steht Decision, Support, Tools für intergrierte Mobilität

    SmartUpLab – Decision Support Tools for Integrated Mobility Systems

    SmartUpLab develops an intelligently networked tool environment to support the introduction of innovative mobility systems.

    Digital Cultural Heritage as an Economic Factor in Cultural Zourism KEW@T (2020)

    KWE@T is an application-oriented research project for linking digital content from the field of cultural heritage and cultural tourism in the state of Brandenburg. The cooperation project between University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and Tourismus Marketing Brandenburg GmbH (TMB) is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the State of Brandenburg.

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "EcoDM"

    EcoDM: Ecosystem Data Management – Analyses – Recommendations – FAIRification

    EcoDM is a collaborative project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and running until March 2022. The project partners are the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (FHP) and the Helmholtz Open Science Office, which is based at the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam – German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ).

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "MaaS L.A.B.S."

    MaaS L.A.B.S.: User-Centred Mobility-as-a-Service Platform: Living, Automated, Demand- & Sharing-Oriented

    Shaping the transport turnaround through flexible and demand-oriented local public transport

    RDMO – Research Data Management Organiser

    Development and implementation of a tool for planning, implementation and control of research data management

    Logo des Forschungsprojekts "Webportal Archivführer deutsche Kolonialgeschichte"

    Web Portal Archive Guide to German Colonial History

    On 1 July 2017, a research project on German colonial history was launched in cooperation with the Federal Foreign Office. The aim was to set up a web-based online portal on the topic, which would, among other things, enable the recording of the file situation in the successor states of former German colonies. The project was carried out in collaboration with the project management team by…

    HaS – Humanities at Scale

    Development and expansion of Digital Humanities relevant tools, services, as well as training, education and pooling of scientific and technological DH expertise at EU level.