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Cultural Institutions in Transformation

Challenges, Questions & Concepts
Menschen im Museum
© unsplash(c)jigar-panchal

The cultural landscape is changing: museums and other cultural institutions are facing new challenges. Topics such as public image, mission statements, sustainability, digital formats, AI and teaming offer opportunities to increase their attractiveness for visitors and employees. Our training brings experts together, offers practical workshops and creates space for dialogue and networking.


10th – 12th of July 2025

Free places
Registration end:
Certificate of attendance
Participation fee:

1,190 euros (5 % discount for FHP alumni)

Simone Oelker im Gespräch mit Steffi Holz
© Dr. Simone Oelker im Gespräch mit Designerin Steffi Holz, Foto: Beate Waetzel

Transformation requires a willingness to change and appreciative communication, and this training programme shows ways to achieve this.

Dr. Simone Oelker
Course management

At a glance

The cultural landscape is undergoing a profound transformation process, characterised by technological developments, social changes and a growing interest in sustainability. A recent study by the German Museums Association (2024) shows that museums are increasingly perceived as places of well-being and orientation. However, cultural institutions are facing far-reaching challenges: How do they remain visible, relevant and sustainable in a dynamic world? How can they successfully integrate topics such as teaming, artificial intelligence and sustainability into their work?

The aim of the training programme is to prepare cultural professionals for these challenges. It not only imparts theoretical knowledge, but above all offers practical tools. It also creates a space for exchange within a network of experts and colleagues, which promotes the development of creative solutions and active participation in shaping the future of cultural institutions.

Target group

  • Managers and executives of cultural institutions (e.g. museums, theatres, cultural centres)
  • Employees in museums, libraries, archives and other cultural institutions
  • Cultural managers and mediators
  • People from the field of cultural policy
  • Freelancers, cultural professionals and creatives
  • Artists and curators
  • Education experts in the cultural sector

Focal points

  • Cultural institutions in transition
  • Sustainability in and of cultural organisations
  • Teaming and collaboration: promoting effective teamwork and innovative ways of working within cultural organisations
  • Dealing with artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Democratisation of culture
  • Strategies for increasing public awareness and adapting to social change
  • Orientation and places of well-being: Further development of cultural institutions as places that offer visitors orientation and a positive experience


  • Dr. Simone Oelker, art historian, Communication Art
  • Florian Bolenius, lawyer, Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek – Museum for Film and Television in Berlin
  • Prof. Dr. Christian Czychowski, lawyer, NORDEMANN CZYCHOWSKI & Partners
  • Steffi Holz, Designer, Bureau Steffi Holz

Contents, dates, schedule

10th – 12th of July 2025

Day 1: How has the significance and role of cultural venues such as theatres, museums etc. changed? What new formats are there? What does all this have to do with mindset & teaming?

Day 2: The anatomy of strong cultural brands. How do cultural brands become agents of change? Necessary organisational development – Changes as opportunities using the example of a "we process"

Day 3: Digital visibility and AI in the cultural sector. Examples and suggestions from cultural practice. Legal framework conditions for AI in practice.

  • Intro und Moderation: Dr. Simone Oelker, Communication-Art
  • 10:00 – 12:00 Uhr: Besuch und Gespräch mit einer Kulturinstitution in Transformation. (Ort und Gesprächspartner*in werden noch bekannt gegeben.)
  • 12:00 – 13:30 Uhr: Mittagspause
  • 13:30 – 15:00: Prof. Dr. jur. Christian Czychowski, NORDEMANN CZYCHOWSKI
    • Anwendung von KI in der Kulturbranche. Beispiele, Chancen und Risiken: Impulsreferat und Fragerunde
  • 15:30 – 17:00 Uhr: Feedbackrunde, Fragen & Ausklang 

Registration & Information

Further courses

The basics of curating

Take a look behind the scenes of museum work: in five days you will learn how to plan, design and successfully realise your own exhibitions.

Cultural funding

Do you want to put your cultural project on a financially secure footing? After our compact course your financing concept will be ready!

Culture Marketing Communication

For cultural managers: In this course, you will acquire practical management skills and helpful tools to successfully manage your cultural organisation.

Register now