Impulses from the FHP at the 6th Brandenburg Educational Assistance Day

The 6th Brandenburg Educational Assistance Day took place in Werder an der Havel on the 18th and 19th of October 2022. Under the motto "Actively shaping professional relationships – 496 days of KJSG", around 300 participants from professional practice, youth welfare offices, ministries, specialised schools and universities met.
The University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences) was involved in the development and planning of the symposium right from the start through the Dean of Studies, Matthias Schreckenbach. The topics of local prevention, help from a single source, better child and youth protection, empowerment of young people/strengthening everyday life and participation of young people were each underpinned by forum presentations and thematically assigned workshops and then discussed. For example, Prof. Dr. Arne von Boetticher gave the forum presentation "Inclusive child and youth welfare, interfaces within SGBVIII and SGBIX from a legal perspective" at the 'Help from a single source' forum. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Schmidt-Wenzel presented the results of her study "My family, coronavirus and me" in the 'Strengthening everyday life' forum.
Many participants from the Department of Social and Educational Sciences were also represented in the workshops. Katja Stephan, together with colleagues from the field, enriched the range of workshops with the topic "Transfer structures in the training of educators and social work". The core of the discussion was and is the interface between theory and practice, didactically and in terms of content. Prof. Dr. Stefan Doose dealt with the topic of "Personal future planning". In the workshop "Hurray we are now inclusive", Matthias Schreckenbach and Lisa Weyrich explored the question of how to recognise that youth welfare work is inclusive and diversity-oriented. Julius Späte discussed the hybrid living environments of children and young people and the challenges of child and youth welfare in this context with the participants in order to then be able to present joint ideas. Prof. Dr. Marlene-Anne Dettmann took up the exciting topic of "The transition from HRE to ???" and engaged in a lively discussion with those present about the possibilities of a well-designed transition for young people coming out of HRE (you can read her contribution here).
Prof. Dr. Karsten Krauskopf gave the keynote speech entitled "Maintaining relationships – strengthening relationships". His thought-provoking suggestions were used intensively and led to stimulating, professional discussion.
Involvement of FHP students in the documentation process
First-semester students from the Social Work degree programme are involved in the documentation process of the Brandenburg Educational Assistance Day. As part of the workshop "Families, parents, children and young people in educational support services", the students are to gain an insight into practice and, by accompanying the symposium, gain an initial overview of the various fields of work in educational support services and current topics.
Gregor Mosblech and Matthias Schreckenbach accompany the process together with the responsible employees of the Potsdam Mittelmark Youth Welfare Office, who were responsible for organising the symposium this year.
Matthias Schreckenbach was involved in the preparation of the symposium and will use the documentation to implement the results in a working group with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the LIGA der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege in Brandenburg and representatives from the field.