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Our full support and solidarity are with Ukraine and the people affected by this war of aggression. We stand together with all, regardless of origin, who condemn the aggression emanating from Russia.

#SolidarityWithUkraine mit halbtransparenter Flagge der Ukraine auf einem Campusbild der FH Potsdam

Unterstützung durch die FH Potsdam

Die Fachhochschule Potsdam steht im intensiven Austausch mit den Brandenburger Hochschulen, dem Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kultur (MWFK), dem Studentenwerk Potsdam und dem DAAD, um ukrainische und russische Studierende an der FHP bestmöglich zu unterstützen und die Auswirkungen auf ihr Studium so gering wie möglich zu halten. Als zentrale Anlaufstelle zum Thema Krieg in der Ukraine sammelt und bündelt das International Office Anfragen, Vorschläge und Ideen für Maßnahmen und Aktivitäten an der Hochschule und koordiniert diese in Absprache mit den verantwortlichen Stellen (Krisenstab, zentrale Einheiten, Fachbereiche, etc.). Es steht in direktem Kontakt mit den betroffenen Studierenden an der FH Potsdam und unterstützt alle, die aufgrund des Kriegs in Schwierigkeiten sind. Für fachlich geeignete Studierende aus der Ukraine, die ihr Studium an der FH Potsdam fortsetzen möchten, prüfen wir gemeinsam mit dem Studien- und Prüfungsservice und den jeweiligen Fachbereichen, wie ein individueller Studienverlauf möglich wäre. Wissenschaftler*innen aus der Ukraine, die einen Forschungsaufenthalt an der FHP fachlich sinnvoll erachten, beraten wir gerne in Abstimmung mit unseren Fachbereichen und Forschungslaboren.

"The events in Ukraine fill us universities with the greatest concern. Peace, freedom and democracy are the foundations of education and science. Those who are persecuted and those who have fled can count on our comprehensive support."

Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund
President of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

Offers for students

You are personally affected by the war in Ukraine? You have financial difficulties? You are looking for help in processing your experiences and adventures? You do not know how to continue your studies at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam? Contact us and we will work with you to find suitable solutions and offers of support. Contact:

You would like to continue your studies at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam?

We will be happy to check whether enrollment at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam is possible.

Student assistant positions for Ukrainian students

Ukrainian students at University of Applied Sciences Potsdam can apply for a student assistant position relevant to their studies.

Student Union Potsdam

Since April 04, students have been offered support in the following areas:

  • Psychosocial counseling (expected to start April 04)
  • Counseling & help with funding difficulties
  • Counseling on basic questions about residence permits and job search

ESiSt Study preparation

The ESiSt study preparation enables international prospective students without sufficient language skills/without a recognized university entrance qualification to gain access to a university in the federal state of Brandenburg.

Latest news from the German Academic Exchange Service

The German Academic Exchange Service is appalled by the Russian attack on Ukraine and is committed to its partners in Ukraine. It is continuously following the developments and is in close exchange with the member universities as well as the sponsoring ministries on the necessary steps. News from the DAAD

You would like to help?

A large number of organizations and institutions are currently calling for donations in kind and money for people affected by the war. Lists of needs provide information on what donations in kind (medicines, hygiene products, clothing, equipment) are needed. In addition, shelters for refugees are sought. Volunteer support is requested in various areas. Do you speak Russian or Ukrainian? Register as translator/interpreter.

#ScienceForUkraine is an initiative of students and scientists* from academic institutions worldwide. Its goal is to collect and disseminate information about support opportunities for graduate students and scientists* directly affiliated with an academic institution in Ukraine.For more information


The volunteer members of the TranslatorsAgainstWar initiative translate (written) and interpret (oral) from Ukrainian and Russian into German and vice versa. The goal is to support individuals affected by the war in Ukraine, as well as organizations and initiatives working to help people in need. Further information
Individuals with appropriate language skills can register via an online form.Go to form

In Potsdam, donations in kind, translation services and volunteer support are channeled through the online help portal helpto. The portal enables digital networking of initiatives and mediation of donations in kind and volunteer work. Here you can find up-to-the-minute information on what help is needed where (requests) and create offers yourself. More information

The Berlin Senate Chancellery offers on its website current information on how you can help people from Ukraine in Berlin. More information
Vitsche, an association of young Ukrainians from Berlin, also collects information about support opportunities in Berlin on its website.

The Social and Educational Sciences Department, together with the Quartierstreff Staudenhof, helps people fleeing war by donating goods. Needed are hygiene items of all kinds (toothpaste, toothbrushes, hairbrushes, pads, etc., baby food (only jars please), diapers, NO clothes). In-kind donations can be dropped off at the Dean's Office in the morning from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Address: University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Kiepenheuerallee 5, House 5, 1st floor.

Who wants to help in the Staudenhof directly can get a contact via department or via the International Office. Among other things, help is needed with filling out German application forms, cooking, childcare, and translations.

From 24.03.2022 takes place every Thursday from 15:00 - 17:30 pm at House 5/101 a German course for refugees organized by the Department of Social and Educational Sciences will take place. Volunteers are needed for this who would like to cook and talk after the class. If you are interested, please contact Gundula Häusler.

The Brandenburg Community Interpreting Service helps immigrants, among other things, with visits to authorities, appointments at daycare centers and schools, and with doctors. The assignments take place throughout Brandenburg and Berlin.

For this, people are sought who are interested and ideally have experience with language and cultural mediation. Prerequisites are very good knowledge of the native language and German approximately at an oral level of the language course B2. Currently, we are especially looking for Ukrainian, Russian, Dari, Farsi, French and Urdu, but all other languages are welcome! For the assignments there is an expense allowance as well as reimbursement of travel expenses. For contact, contact, +49 331 9676-257.

Ukraine Help: "Brandenburg helps" & "HelpTo"

At the beginning of March, two projects were launched with the HelpTo platform and the "Brandenburg helps!" campaign. Both projects are non-profit and are run by the association Neues Potsdamer Toleranzedikt. They are funded by the state of Brandenburg through the Alliance for Brandenburg, as well as financed by private donations and association funds and supported by a large number of cooperation partners*.

On Brandenburg helps! we provide contact points at local authorities, links to initiatives and groups. Recently, the website has also included a section for "Frequently Asked Questions", covering topics such as residence status, housing, employment, health and many more. Every day we receive many e-mails from initiatives, municipalities and private helpers, to whom we can provide assistance.



HelpTo is the online mediation platform for donations & volunteer help. Here everyone can bring in, all the same whether it concerns donations in kind, honorary commitment or the switching of work or accommodations. With just a few clicks, users can post their own offers or requests and respond to existing entries. HelpTo thus establishes direct contact between those helping and those seeking help, without tying up administrative structures.

The platform is used to post needs (e.g. fundraising for accommodation, need for translations) with just a few clicks or to share information about contact points, contact persons or events on the platform. This short explainer video (1 min.) illustrates the features of HelpTo.


03.03.2022 | Statement from the Ministry of Science and Research

Joint statement: Full solidarity and support for Ukraine - universities, research institutions, student unions and ministry agree on quick help for students and scientists* from Ukraine. Ministry provides 500,000 euros.
Press release (PDF)

25.02.2022 | Statement of the Presidential Board of University of Applied Sciences Potsdam

  "We are shocked and condemn Russia's attack on Ukraine. Our solidarity goes out to all people affected by the war in Ukraine and also to those Ukrainian nationals who are personally affected by it here at our university. As a university open to the world, we are committed to peaceful and democratic coexistence. Please contact us if you need help."

Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund, President of the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
