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M. A. Childhood Studies and Children's Rights Call for Applications

Applications are now being accepted for the master's degree program in Childhood Studies and Children's Rights for the upcoming winter semester starting in October. The application deadline has been extended to May 15 (

The master's degree is offered entirely online or as a mixed format with face-to-face attendance in Potsdam at the university of applied sciences. Each semester, a maximum of 30 students are admitted to the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, and they are allowed to choose whether they want to study online or on-site. Students who choose to study on-site will have regular face-to-face meetings with faculty and also work with other students on-site. Students who choose to study online only will also meet the lecturers, but only virtually and at longer intervals. From experience we can say that learning and studying online has become very attractive also considering the current pandemic. On the other hand, traditional on-site learning creates a personal atmosphere with other students, where one learns to build trust and by making it easier to learn than it can sometimes be the case online. We plan an introductory week for all students at the beginning of the master's program so that they can get to know each other and exchange ideas. In addition, there will be a face-to-face meeting after the 2nd semester to see how the students* are doing and how far they are with the research for their master thesis.

"This is a Master that I can recommend and put at the heart without any limitations. It places the child and its needs/and interests in the centre (and not its later usefulness for society). The Master is visionary in many aspects and has been formed by people who are passionate, inspirational and highly idealistic about standing up for the rights of children." (Graduate*, 2014-16)

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Research Professorship for Methods of Social Work and Social Work Research