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Info Day for the Master's Degree Programmes in Social Management, Early Childhood Studies and Social Work

Find out more and ask professors, lecturers and students all about our Master's degree programmes!


  • 10.00 am | Filipe Martines Antunes Welcoming and introductory words
  • 10.15 am |  Social Management (MA)
  • 10.35 am | Early Childhood Studies (MA)
  • 10.55 am | Break
  • 11.55 am | Social Work with a Focus on the family (MA)
  • 12.15 pm | End and time for general questions about all Master's programmes

The event will take place online via Zoom!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 690 4643 4227
Passcode: 23897829

Target audience: Prospective students

17/04/2024, 10.00 am – 12.15 pm

Location: Online
Room: Zoom
Participation via zoom


Social and Educational Sciences Department

Room 105