Science on your Ears - Workshop on Formats and Establishing Science Podcasts

From the 18th to the 19th of July 2024, a workshop on the topic of science podcasts will take place at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. Dr. Jacqueline Klusik-Eckert and Prof. Dr. Ulrike Wuttke are responsible for the organisation and concept. In addition to networking and the practical exchange of experiences between (prospective) science podcasters, the event will focus on the scientific examination of the topic.
Podcasts have proven to be a dynamic medium for science communication in recent years. They offer scientists, projects and research institutions a direct, flexible and personal method of making complex topics accessible to both a broad audience and their own specialist community. Complex information is communicated in established formats in an easily understandable way. The informal and often more accessible language of so-called babble podcasts also creates a connection between the listeners and the speakers that is often difficult to achieve in more traditional media. In a world where the accessibility of science and research is becoming increasingly important, podcasts have great potential for the democratisation of knowledge. As an open science practice of science communication, they help to promote access to knowledge and science and to take the discussion on scientific topics beyond academic circles.