Moodle question types of the activity "Test"
As a lecturer, you will learn about different question types in the "Test" activity in Moodle. The question types are mainly used for written exams. However, they can also be used for formative assessment and exercises. Click on the images and videos under the question types to get a first impression of the function.
Standard question types
Moodle offers an extensive range of question types. However, it is usually sufficient to familiarise yourself with the "multiple choice" question type to get started. You can use this to design an online exam.
Text-based question types
For text-based question types, a word, word groups or longer text can be typed into a field as an answer.
Matching question types for words and word groups
With matching question types, predefined words or groups of words can be assigned to a question or category. In addition, given words or word groups can be sorted into the correct order.
Matching and marking question types for cloze texts
Matching and marking question types for cloze texts are suitable for multi-line, coherent text sections. Here, predefined words or word groups can be selected and added to a cloze text. Individual letters, words or word groups in a text can be highlighted.
Matching question types for images and text
Mathematical question types
OER material
The materials for the question types can be used as Open Educational Resources (OER). You will also find an overview table of all question types here. You can also use the list to plan your own exam design.
You can download the materials for the Moodle question types here . Please provide the following credit when using the materials:
Licence: CCBY-SA 4.0, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Moodle question types, Julia Lee (concept and text); Charlotte Warkentin (tasks, screenshots and short videos), Moodle interface: GNU General Public License
Overview of all symbols for question types in the Moodle activity tests at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam.